@craiggrannell I swear there is something deeply broken in the brains of many tech liberals that prevents them from seeing Zuck, Andreesen, etc for who they really are. C.f. Gruber's inane take on this.
@kcoyle I don't believe there is, not least because organisations like ETSI and OASIS flourish without it. But ISO and the rest of the national standards organisation hierarchy take it as given.
Note that, like the equally dodgy example of academic publishing, the funding of de jure standards development is not connected with the funding of the publication mechanism. I suspect this is the thing that's about to have to be brought blinking into the daylight.
@carlmalamud I have sensed no appetite for voluntary compromise of any kind, and the lawsuit signals that. That attitude mirrors the view among SEP-dependent legacy corporations (who also seem to support ISO's view) that any accommodation of open source is a step too far. Heck, if you can read the standards for free you might want to implement them for free too.
@carlmalamud It's excellent timing as the EU is currently deciding whether regulation 1025/2012 needs revision. This case makes it exceptionally clear that, whatever the outcome of the case, a change is definitely needed to ensure harmonised standards are freely available as the law requires.
@daniel I may be wrong of course - my API page still shows the old tariff - but I did not find it listed at https://api.octopus.energy/v1/products/ so picked the most likely suspect and found the prices matched the ones in the Octopus Android app...
Do I have any UK followers who use #Octopus energy, are on the Agile tariff and access it via the REST API? It seems to be returning no new data since 11pm last night...
OSI Standards director · Meshed Insights CEO · Geek-Nerd · Cat servant.On the Internet since 1987 (via BBSes) · Prior Fediverse: identi.ca from 2008; mastodon.cc from 2017. Old posts are auto-deleted.