@evacide I too will accept $2 billion in funding and will release the compiled laws of the world immediately, even if god sends me a DMCA notice. You have my word.
Delightful meeting with Kovid Goyal, developer of the incredible Calibre. One more meeting this afternoon, then India's a wrap, will board the teleporter back to the United States late this evening.
Standing outside my hotel waiting for a special delivery of pickles so I can bring them to Delhi to give to the former Chief Justice of India. Special Andhra red chili pickle, drumstick pickle, amla pickle.
There is a strong movement inside the Union of Unelected Bureaucrats to boot Elon Musk from our membership. I voted for the boot. He's an embarrassment.
I leave for India on Saturday. This is my luggage so far. 40 SSDs with 0.5 petabytes gross capacity. 7 pounds deadweight, so it fits in a small suitcase. 1,503,193 objects (e.g., "books"). 309 tbytes of actual data. Will take me 28 hours to fly to India which means 24.52 gbps throughput. I will be flying Emirates so there will be tasty snacks and drinks.
Finished making my travel arrangements for next trip to India. Leave in 5 weeks. Will do Bangalore, side trip to Delhi, then end in Mumbai. 3-week trip. One speech so far, but I imagine there might be others.
@webmink Some may argue that "readability rooms" and other forms of highly conditional access is fine for the general public and other casual citizens and that our radical proposal to seize the means of legal construction and nationalize the law smacks of communism. I'm sure there's some happy meeting ground in the middle.
If you don't speak official Europeaneese, let me translate. ISO (and IEC!) are suing the European Commission for complying with the Court of Justice of the European Union's (CJEU) decision that access to EU law is of "overriding public importance." They filed this suit in the CJEU. Our position is that the CJEU decision was rightly decided.
Joint Communique from ISO and IEC: "Legal action against the European Commission’s decision regarding its implementation of ECJ Case C-588/21 has been initiated so that we may continue to deliver effectively on our missions globally for the benefit of everyone. This action is aimed at safeguarding the integrity of international standards and protecting the infrastructure that supports their development." https://www.linkedin.com/posts/luca-bertuzzi-186729130_huge-the-eu-standard-setting-architecture-activity-7275445905367928832-7K1K/