Happy #InternationalWomensDay from me and my mum, the woman who taught me that you shouldn’t let other people’s opinions affect how you feel about yourself. We had a lovely 10km walk, full of wildlife and deep conversations.
Hi, I’m Kate. I’m a 41-year-old software developer based in the south-west of England. I’m best known for my National Grid: Live site at https://grid.iamkate.com.
I’m the Development Director at https://itseeze.com, where in 2007 I created a CMS that’s now used by thousands of sites across the UK and Ireland.
I’ve been in a relationship with @Clare since 2008, and we married in 2013. Same-sex marriage wasn’t legal yet, but we found a loophole: I’m trans.
If you’ve ever wondered just how nerdy I am: I just had a dream where I was on a train and an announcement said someone will be collecting names and ages and our cooperation is appreciated. When they got to me I said “Sorry to be awkward, but could you explain the lawful basis for processing this data under the GDPR?”. When they couldn’t, I refused to share it, and so did the passengers after me. Also, I was still in my nightie for the entire dream. Not all data protection heroes wear capes.
The shamelessness of American tech companies warning against using the new Chinese chatbot because Chinese tech companies are so willing to share user data with an authoritarian government
Elon Musk could declare “I’m a nazi” in front of a televised rally and his apologists would claim we’d misheard and he’d actually said “I’m a nice guy”
In 2024, the carbon intensity of electricity in Britain fell to a record low of 125g CO2 per kilowatt-hour, a drop of 75% since 2012, as our last coal-fired power station closed and wind became our largest single power source. See the live data at https://grid.iamkate.com
In 2024, wind overtook gas to become Britain’s largest single source of electricity, in the same year that our last coal-fired power station closed. See the live data at https://grid.iamkate.com
@leaverou The issue is that people are using LLMs not as an idle conversation partner but as an authority. A human teacher, librarian, doctor, or news reader who was so often wrong certainly wouldn’t be worth listening to.
What’s going on with YouTube recently with excessively long unskippable adverts? I’ve just started playing a 3.5 hour video and it’s first showing me a 19 minute unskippable advert for Microsoft Azure. I’ve muted that tab and set myself a timer to come back when it’s done.
I often see people here discussing the importance of forgiving our past selves for taking so long to realise who we really are. But forgiveness implies blame — that there’s something to forgive.
I believe gratitude is more powerful, and more cathartic, than forgiveness. I say to my past self:
Thank you for all you endured for so many years to keep me safe. Thank you for sacrificing yourself so that I could exist. I’ll make it worth it. I’ll make you proud.
British wind turbines averaged a record 22.02GW of power generation between 10:00pm and 10:30pm last night. Live data can be seen on my site at https://grid.iamkate.com.
“In her autobiography, The Longest Trek: My Tour of the Galaxy, Whitney describes an incident in which she was sexually assaulted by an executive of the Star Trek production team, whom she never identified by name, and she drew a link between this incident and her dismissal a few days later”
People tend to defend things like this as products of their time, so I’d also like to highlight that someone much more recently writing the Memory Alpha article on the episode chose the belittling phrasing that Rand “walks away in a huff” in response to Spock’s remark.