@courtney that’s obviously the goal. But the transition is the tricky thing, because credit scores were an attempt as a *more* fair system than just plain “we don’t rent to your kind”. So you have to have clarity on what you’re moving towards, not just what you’re moving away from.
The key thing here: if you are in charge of your new-style SSNs, you know which companies have which ones, and you could just give a freshly-generated SSN to (e.g.) a landlord. No history on that number? Not your problem. Experian/Equifax/TransUnion doesn’t have any data on that new SSN? Not your problem. Privacy is a human right!
Here’s my dream plan, which would take 5 years and probably less than $5B: * We replace Social Secutity Numbers (which are like having a username with no password!) with disposable, single-use IDs of similar format, perhaps by adding letters so we have enough identifiers * People could get a new number anytime from the Social Security Admin website or app, by calling a number, or by going to a post office * Credit scores and credit info brokers are required to only have info you choose to share
For the exact reason that so many democrats feel like "Florida is too red to flip", Republicans who feel like Florida is a safe red may feel safe voting for RFK.
If he pulls ~6% of the vote and Florida has another 77% turnout, that's 6% of 10,341,570, which is 620,494 RFK votes.
If that split is 60% Trump voters and 40% Harris voters, that means 372,296 votes Trump doesn't get.