@froge@aral A surgeon had been called out of surgery because some United Healthcare jackass "needed to know" if the cancer patient she was operating on needed to stay overnight. Info he could have gotten from another UH department instead of putting the patient at risk (being sedated for longer than necessary). Awful, awful people in a horrible system.
@dalias This is far from the biggest thing in their crapsandwich, but "common, non-serious usage of 'weird'" means they'll let fascists call people weird for being queer, but won't let people call fascists weird for trying to micromanage other's bodies and minds through lawfare and committee.
Jag översatte den här för 7-åringen till "smakfull krabba" / "hotfull krabba" med extraförklaringen "det ena är crabsticks och det andra är en krabba som sticks" och jag känner att mina talanger är förslösade på jobb inom den sektor jag är :(
@samuel Mest på masto; mindre än tidigare (tror jag? i alla fall enklare att inte behöva "bara kolla lite"); kikar av och till under hela dagen om det inte är något annat jag ska göra.
A masto tip: If ya wanna recommend a hashtag without adding noise to it you can set your toot to "quiet public" (or "unlisted" or whatever the name is when you read this). This will let you link the #hashtag without your recommendation showing up in the feed of anyone but your followers.
@mekkaokereke 2018 is also the year of the cave rescue, when dude was so upset no one (outside his socmedia following) thought his "we'll build a magic sub" plan was the best thing ever so he called the guy actually getting the kids out a pedophile. Even if she hadn't seen any of the other stuff she can't have missed that.
@thanius One issue there is that some of the desperately needed features (or in some cases near on bug fix suggestions) have been declined for hazy to illogical reasons, so no matter how much cash I throw at masto devs they won't be implemented cause they just don't wanna.
@aral I'm kinda impressed with the angle there: bluesky, funded by millions in VC cash and with a dedicated pr staff has after three years reached the same numbers as the fedi, funded by the mental health of enthusiasts, and that's a fantastic success?
Maybe it could be interesting to report on that bsky's cost per user this far is way above one dollar, fedi's is a fraction of that.
@hakan_geijer When gun discourse comes up I'm reminded of the attack on Hypercacher in '15, where one of the employees actually got hold of a gun, but couldn't use it and got murdered (I think the first reports said the safety was on). I'm not sure he'd lived if he'd had gun training, but I'm sure he'd had a better chance.
@TheOneSwit *taps mic* Hello? Is this thing on? No snappy comeback about how habituating normies to nazi imagery and dog whistles is a Good Thing, achually? Or did you realize that @jeffowski was not in the clear here?
@TheOneSwit@l This is less of a "a right-winger used this template for meme once," and more of an "a literal nazi created the cartoon @jeffowski used as a meme template" situation.
@TheOneSwit Yes, nazis have made a lot of things. Like assult rifles. And it used to be encouraged to use assault rifles on nazis.
Problem is that if you take [comics made by nazis to spread nazism into the general population] and "co-opt them by saying something different", the main effect won't be changing minds about whether nazis are good or bad, but making people less likely to identify nazi propaganda: "That can't be nazi shit, I saw @jeffowski use it and he's not a nazi."
@TheOneSwit@jeffowski Very few know its nazi origins, and you didn't until this thread. Problem is that the author didn't just make this single comic, but has been prolific in churning out his racist vile shit, in his style (eg you would recognize any one of his other comics as similar to the one jeff used). So now we've got a situation where Jeff introduces the art style of a nazi as an anti-theocratic / antifascist element, making it harder for us to push back on nazi shit. "it's just a meme"
Constant discovery.(sometimes I'm just scrolling through the federated timeline, so that's why you might've gotten a like, boost or cheer from this rando on the Internet)