Your fat friends don't want to hear how terrified you are of getting fat.
Shut the fuck up.
Your fat friends don't want to hear how terrified you are of getting fat.
Shut the fuck up.
@Infoseepage - I'm not sure the world is prepared (?rightfully so) to accept global public health measures driven by the US tbh.
@VirginiaHolloway - I beg of you, please understand that there are countries other than the US.
I'm worried about vaccine production being affected by the H5N1 virus.
There's a guy who walks around the local area and fishes cans out of rubbish bins to recycle for cash.
A couple of months ago he was along our street on bin day, fishing through the recycling bins in front of each house. I went out and chatted with him, he kept reassuring me that he wasn't making a mess and he didn't want to cause trouble.
I explained that if he wanted to I could just pop the cans into a plastic bag next to the bin so he could grab them easily. He was worried that other people might take them, so we've sorted out a system where I put them in a plastic bag INSIDE the recycling bin and tie the ends to the handle so not only can he just untie it to get the cans, but he can clearly see if there are cans in the bin to grab.
A lot of the time mutual aid isn't money.
#CommunityCare #MutualAid #Bathurst #BathurstNSW #RegionalAustralia #Australia
@MisuseCase - he's also written a review of Kaczynski's manifesto on Good Reads.. so I'm 100% certain he was already on a list somewhere. All they had to do was look at the people they have data on for making these sorts of social media posts etc, and pick a white guy with dark eyes and strong eyebrows who looks like the pictures they have.
Investigating a crime isn't about solving it, it's about building a brief of evidence that will convict someone.
The suspect was able to evade police by carrying extra clothes to change into, use e-bikes to escape into Central Park, he used a fake ID to book a room at a hostel and Greyhound bus tickets, wore masks in areas he knew there would be cameras, etc.
This is an organised person who thought and meticulously planned out his actions.
The person the police have found allegedly had on his person:
- a gun
- a silencer
- a 3 page handwritten manifesto
- the same fake ID he used to book the rooms
Why was he still carrying these things?
- you expect us to believe that the same person who went to those lengths NOT to be caught is going to be carrying around what amounts to a handwritten note declaring his guilt?
It's 2024.. who hand writes a manifesto?
- this guy has a masters of engineering, and you think he's handwriting his manifesto?
- you think anyone who has completed a masters is going to be able to keep their word count down to 3 pages??
- I've read numerous manifestos written by people who have engaged in political acts of violence - not one of them was under 10 pages, most were 20+
The manifesto uses stats from a 2007 AP story about the life expectancy ranking of the USA compared to the rest of the world
- there were stats from 2022 he could have quoted that prove his point better, but he used old stats? There's a recent Lancet study that show his point even more than the 2022 article, and he didn't use that either??
- again, he has a masters degree.. it's not like he doesn't know the importance of research based evidence or how to get it (and by the time you do a masters, this shit is baked into your personality tbh)
There were a number of organised efforts to inundate the tip lines with false reports about sightings of this guy
- but police followed up this specific report ('he looks like the guy, he's at McDonalds eating a burger") quickly enough to intercept him before he finished his meal, out of the possible 10s of thousands (maybe 100s of thousands) of fake tips they were getting?
- as organised as he is about getting away, he goes and sits in a McDonalds to eat?
The cops absolutely HAVE to find someone to charge. Not only are they worried this is going to kick off something, but CEOs are worried (and calling their friends in High Places to demand this guy be found). And they have to do it quickly.
I don't think this is the guy.
I also don't think that they care that this isn't the guy.
I am super curious to see the outcome of this, though.. there's a LOT of talk about jury nullification around this, and I can see laws being changes so that this either doesn't go before a jury, or so that nullification is taken off the books as an option for juries.
Does anyone know if we should also be boycotting stores like Big W and San Murphy's, as a part of the Woolworths strike?
Hey, Guardian.. that's a weird way to spell "Woolworths attempt strike busting by bringing in scabs" 🤔
#Union #UnionStrong #Workers #WorkersRights #woolworths #strike #Solidarity
#USPol #Trump #US #USA #election #voting #anarchism #Leftist
About 5 years ago one of my lecturers set up a meeting for me with an academic who had just started working at my university.
He was a criminological researcher doing a big project on sex workers, and she (my lecturer) thought we'd get along academically and I might possibly be interested in him as my eventual phd supervisor or something..
We had a chat over the course of about an hour, mostly about his research, but he asked at one point what I was thinking with regards to a phd topic.
At the time I was interested in looking at the incidence of sexual abuse within the police force, so I set out my argument to him:
We know that there is a much higher incidence of domestic violence perpetrated by police against their partners and kids.
We know that people reporting DV aren't taken seriously by the police they're reporting to, often to the extent where they are given misinformation like 'we can't act unless he actually *does* something'.
We know that people reporting sexual assault are often not taken seriously as well,and are often given misinformation like 'rape is actually really hard to prove, are you sure you want to report this?'.
...i wonder if there is a higher incidence of people with a history of perpetuating sexual assault in the police force?
...i wonder if they commit those assaults while in the police force, or if the job attracts people with that history?
Using the questionnaire from the Lisek & Miller study and the McWhorter study, I could survey students in a number of different fields and see if there is a higher number of people doing policing who self-report having used these rape-behaviors.
I could also do a follow up on the same students (although I'm not sure how because having the study not be anonymous would confound results) to see if their responses change after being in the police force for a number of years.
..he just looked at me and said that he doubted there was a higher incidence of DV perpetuated by police, and that he was certain that the reports that happened are angry partners targeting those cops with vexatious reports because they know it'll have big consequences for their careers.. and shut down the entire conversation immediately.
He's a critical criminologist, and wasn't interested in even having the slightest bit of curiosity about police being violent.
"When she reported to police that he would repeatedly call her and hang up – an action she felt breached the apprehended domestic violence order she had taken out against him – she says an officer told her she was being a “vexatious ex-spouse” who was trying to cause trouble."
#AbolishPolice #Abolition #AbolishPrisons #CommunityNotCops #FuckThePolice #NoJusticeNoPeace #DomesticViolence #GenderedViolence #ViolenceAgainstWomen #VAW #Academia #Uni #university #Criminology #CriminalJustice
Goatsius Maximus is now a market cap of over $800 million and the AI which appears to have created it now has over $10 million.
The Microsoft CIO guessed that we'd have a millionaire AI agent in 2025, and we already have one (that we know of!) that's worth over $10 million.
..not to mention that it happened by founding what amounts to a shitposting memecoin goat cult.
I hate it here.
[white cis men need not comment]
#Men #Sexism #mansplaining #ToxicMasculinity #gaslighting #ReplyGuys
tbh i find mastodon way more toxic than twitter
I keep seeing people blame the "second moon" for the hurricanes happening at the moment, because of the "gravitational pull of water".
Like, you motherfuckers will look to anything else other than climate crisis to explain what's happening.
#ClimateCrisis #ClimateJustice #HurricaneMilton #HurricaneHelene #SecondMoon #Asteroid #asteroid2024pt5 #astronomy
#Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #SovereigntyNeverCeded #Treaty #FuckRacism #FuckWhiteness #FuckColonisation #Solidarity #MutualAid
It's called "justice reinvestment", and it's the idea that we put money into the prevention of crime by giving it to community-led programs that will support people and address the drivers of contact with the criminal justice system.
We know that the biggest driver towards criminal behaviour is poverty, and if governments really want to address crime (as they all claim they do), they'd be addressing poverty.
Governments talk about engaging in justice reinvestment, but when you look at the amount of money they give to these programs ($17.25m in Australia) and compare it to the amount they waste on obsolete submarines ($368 BILLION), you get more of a sense of what's actually happening.
#AusPol #Australia #Criminology #CriminalJustice #Aboriginal #Indigenous #Decolonise #AbolishPolice #Abolition #AbolishPrisons
Long COVID is a $1 trillion problem with no cure. Experts plead for governments to wake up
#covid #covid19 #GetVaccinated #disability #disabled #LongCovid
[h/t to Violet Blue on @Patreon for their #CovidRoundUp -]
Deadly Covid now 'all-year-round' virus as expert warns you could get it 'five times'
A rise in deadly Covid cases has been met with worry by experts, as one has now claimed that the virus will be hitting us 'all-year round,' and that it could happen several times per year
#covid #covid19 #GetVaccinated #disability #disabled #LongCovid
[h/t to Violet Blue on @Patreon for their #CovidRoundUp -]
just 3 anxiety attacks in a trench coat.. audhd | queer | anarchist | Indigenous - Kamilaroi, living on Wiradjuri Country | geek | crit. crim. student - police and prison abolitionist | disabled | subversive crafter | tea addict | RA | cheerful halfling assassin | plays all the games! | trans agender - they/them
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