I don’t how many #JuliaPlaysGroove stans there are within earshot, and I don’t know if this even translates outside the world of #bass players/geeks, but she just dropped a new video and, as always, it’s just such a joy to watch her joy in playing as she effortlessly improves every song she covers 😍🤯🥰
It may be a masto overshare, and I’m not sure exactly how to phrase this, but there are many days now where the only thing that moves me past various moments of climate grief is watching this self-taught Polish bass virtuoso do her uncannily joyous thing?
The #BannedBooksBack campaign from @firestorm, sending 22,500 books pulled from Florida schools to kids in areas where books are being banned, is the absolute coolest.
From the FAQ:
Q: Are you sending anything else with the books?
A: Antifascism weaves its way into this whole project. Our friend Des Revol (@des.tattooart) put evident love into drawing adorable anarchic possums for us, including the full-color one that’s our logo, and then the good folks at Off Color Decals (@offcolordecals) printed a sticker version to include in each book bundle. The wonderful publisher Eternia Press (@eterniapress) kindly let us borrow their fabulous zine “I Am a Unicorn and I Like to Fight: A Kid’s Guide to Standing Up to Fascism + Bullies” as another goodie. And we’ll be sharing a little flyer-zine of our own in each package, speaking in a bit more depth about how we see Banned Books Back! fitting into the larger struggle for a world without fascism.
I moved a few years ago because winter was dying where I used to be. And now, about as far north as I can get without appealing to the tender mercies of Canadian immigration, we’re looking at 45 degrees F and pouring rain at the end of the week in what should be the coldest time of the year?
@hakan_geijer sounds like you already figured out the entirety of what i know from decades as a writer working with graphic designers on book and magazine layouts: serif fonts are the usual choice when actual reading is the goal because the little serifs somehow make it easier on readers' eyeballs and brains..