In case it helps some folks empathise:
Over 7,000 Matthew Perries have been killed in Gaza this month, including over 3,000 baby Matthew Perries.
#gaza #genocide #israel #palestine #MatthewPerry #RIPMatthewPerry
In case it helps some folks empathise:
Over 7,000 Matthew Perries have been killed in Gaza this month, including over 3,000 baby Matthew Perries.
#gaza #genocide #israel #palestine #MatthewPerry #RIPMatthewPerry
@aral thank you for this omg
@cthon1c It just makes me so angry. I have no words.
@aral We are no longer permitted to be #witnesses:
"Since 27 October at about 18:00, contact with the #Gaza Strip has been cut off, following the shutdown of #landlines, #cellular and #internet services. As a result, this Flash Update contains minimal updated information about the humanitarian situation in Gaza over the past 24 hours." - #UN #OCHA
@TiZed Hey anonymous person, I have an idea: how about you take your antisemitism accusations and shove them up your ass?
I’ve condemned Hamas’s savagery in the strongest possible terms. That doesn’t mean I will turn a blind eye to Israel’s savagery.
Think carefully if you want to redefine antisemitism to mean opposing war crimes and the murder of civilians. Because that’s what you’re doing. And that’s very dangerous. Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf.
@aral So 1300 Israelis dead and 230 abducted (actual, verified numbers) don't count as "Matthew Perries". Why? because they are mostly Jewish?
Now go away.
@aral It does not help me as it's just stupid to compare deaths. It's also very one sided and, while we're at it, what's with the rest of the world where each and every year thousands die from war, terror, death sentences, starvation?
@kaoliva Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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