The #BannedBooksBack campaign from @firestorm, sending 22,500 books pulled from Florida schools to kids in areas where books are being banned, is the absolute coolest.
From the FAQ:
Q: Are you sending anything else with the books?
A: Antifascism weaves its way into this whole project. Our friend Des Revol (@des.tattooart) put evident love into drawing adorable anarchic possums for us, including the full-color one that’s our logo, and then the good folks at Off Color Decals (@offcolordecals) printed a sticker version to include in each book bundle. The wonderful publisher Eternia Press (@eterniapress) kindly let us borrow their fabulous zine “I Am a Unicorn and I Like to Fight: A Kid’s Guide to Standing Up to Fascism + Bullies” as another goodie. And we’ll be sharing a little flyer-zine of our own in each package, speaking in a bit more depth about how we see Banned Books Back! fitting into the larger struggle for a world without fascism.