PS: For those destined to repeat history, that's an actual quote from the man about the users of his software, from way back in the day, and to date, I've seen no indication his view has mellowed.
I'm honestly not sure, and I spent some time checking that on #Wikipedia before I posted.
But tentatively, I believe ICANN is the only "landowner" so-to-speak, which rents out in bulk to the various wholesale/resalers, who in turn handle retail rentals.
Just a geek. Y'know ... linux, FOSS, privacy, yada.An American in Essen, formerly The Hague, formerlier Sopron and formerliest Milwaukee.So, I recently tooted something that got some traction, and suddenly, everyone wants to follow me. So listen, if I cannot look at your bio and toot history and easily tell you're human, you're not getting approved.