Absolutely infuriating, to berate this brave man in front of the cameras, this man who has more courage than the orange idiot and JD Shithead and all their cabinet together. Ashamed of America right now.
@GhostOnTheHalfShell@internetarchive@pluralistic True. Hundreds of stories I wrote for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that were all on the web from 1998 until the print editions of the newspaper died in 2009 are gone now from the Internet. They are archived by the Seattle Public Libraries, either digitally or on microfilm. But for practical purposes to the public, not available without big effort. Mentioned to a friend here just yesterday how I think the Internet has gone to shit.
Beavers are happily benefiting from the recent bomb cyclone, which blew down two large cottonwood trees into the lake near their lodge. They began stripping bark the next day and this morning we spotted one enjoying a cottonwood breakfast. #Beaver Power! #GetOutside#Hiking
Finally! Caught a Virginia rail in the open. Hear them 20 times more than see them, and then usually a fleeting glimpse. Success on the chilly morning bimble. Plus a hoody and one of our usual furry friends. #BirdNerd#Hiking#GetOutside
Plenty of interesting sights on the morning ramble, finally got decent shots of the elusive swamp creature known as the Virginia rail. Also some snuggling ducklings and the weirdest thing I've seen in some time, a huge flippin' turtle, I swear two feet long! A spiny softshell turtle, from back east, not native but somehow here in Lake Washington. #Hiking#Birding#GetOutside
Love the outdoors, hiking, fishing, rockhounding, birding, the ocean and just being in nature. Author of "Washington's Pacific Coast; A Guide to Hiking, Camping, Fishing and Other Adventures." Former reporter at Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Daily World and AOL. Every photo I post is my own unless otherwise noted.