My prediction is Ukraine will be wrapped up by Christmas if Russia cooperates. However, if I were Russia, I’d press all the way to Kiev and then make peace.
@SAUNDERS@Wondercrisp the British are more dreadful than Americans. History has proved mankind is a terrible beast😂
I’d love to get the proverbial Time Machine and observe how similar we are to Romans or the original tribes of humans. Then go forward a million years and, if we still exist, see if we learned anything.
Don’t be an ass, @Genen. Rittenhouse is a putz and you know it. He can shoot as many pedos as he wants, that’s super based. But I’d bet good money he couldn’t get laid at a whorehouse.
@KillerMule@Genen yeah, I still don’t get it. I read most of the article. It sounds like people don’t like their politics. Oh no! Kyle Rittenhouse deserves a good trashing anyway. He wasn’t guilty but he sure was a douche bag.
@justinerickson@SAUNDERS@Wondercrisp you want me to quote a few sentences about out of control Israelis? I’m stating that the Israelis in charge are the worst people on earth tied only with Hamas faggots. They both use terror as standard tactics and they both target civilians. The people in charge of these groups are terrible humans.
I’m certain civilians in these areas are wonderful people. Their leaders clearly are not.
@justinerickson@Wondercrisp@SAUNDERS this region is chock full of the worst people on earth. I’m certain the civilians are fine. Minus the pedos and war criminals. But the governments responsible? Worst humans on earth.
Israel lovers don’t seem to realize it was Israel that invented modern day terrorism. So when you clutch your pearls at terror attacks on Israel, just remember who taught the Palestinians what to do🤡
Anyone else think Bibi and the Hamas guy are having zoom sex with the war in the background? <Hamas rocket lands>ohh! <tunnel caves in> OY! <civilians killed> Rockets launch and iron dome activates in bed💦