Many years ago thr leader of The Greens, Bob Brown, was banned from Australian parliment because he was going to protest a then president George Bush speech to parliment
That's when I started voting Green, that the Australian government would ban an elected Senator from Parliament showed it was rotten to the core, since then it's only gotten worse.
@tius@bmacDonald94 Why cant we have a standard bike charging protocol ? Like CCS2 for bikes, where we can just plug in ! We have to carrrry big chargers with us for long journeys on e-bikes :(
> As Australians gear up for the holiday season, new research reveals the growing environmental cost of global tourism.
>Emissions from the tourism sector have surged by 40 per cent over the past decade and now make up 9 per cent of the world's greenhouse emissions, a new study has found.
>Experts warn the figure could double every 20 years, which is incompatible with the Paris Agreement's goal for the sector to reduce its emissions by more than 10 per cent annually.
>Instead of a “green recovery”, global greenhouse gas emissions are rising much faster now than they did in the decade preceding the global pandemic. Emissions rose 1.3 per cent to 57.1 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2023. That is a far faster annual rate of growth than during the decade 2010-2019, when emissions grew on average 0.8 per cent per year
>All sources of greenhouse gas emissions except land use are rising,
Not surprising I guess, just open the flight radar web page, or glance out the window at the endless cars , hear endless dogs barking (large meat eating pets). We haven't changed how we act, which would typically lead to changing how we vote.
Nearly everywhere there has been minor gains by Greens they are in retreat rather the massive surge needed to change policy. We concentrate on stupid shit like ecars rather then the changes needed.
>At their very simplest, anarchist beliefs turn on to two elementary assumptions. The first is that human beings are, under ordinary circumstances, about as reasonable and decent as they are allowed to be, and can organize themselves and their communities without needing to be told how. The second is that power corrupts. -- David Graeber
> Grand schemes, many backed by government, masquerade as taking action on the environment. They should be disowned, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot
When he says "hoodwink us", thats deliberate ignorance on our part. It's reflected in who we vote for as well.
There's none so blind as those who don't want to see.
@clacke >This is no surprise to me. I know that since most people are not aware of the full meaning of the climate crisis (which is understandable since it has never been treated as a crisis)
She is far to generous and kind, as a then 15-16 yr old girl, that she had more understanding then 99.9% of humanity is one if the reason we're in this worse and worse mess. This deliberate and long standing ignorance of such an exestential crisis is a travesty and and anyone older then her who doesn't understand that should ba hanging their heads in deep fucking shame.
If you're wathing the Olympics, or some football match or a concert you flew to, browsing this on a holiday in Thailand then you're the problem.
Good on you Greta for at least trying. How we treat the biosphere and each other is beyond apaling, most edays I wonder if trying to preserve this horror is the right thing or not?
We are all Nero now, fiddling and emitting heavily while the planets biosphere becomes uninhabitable and burns.
>“They were falling out of the trees like apples,” Pozo said. “They were in a state of severe dehydration, and they died within a matter of minutes.” Already weakened, Pozo says the falls from dozens of yards (meters) up inflict additional damage that often finishes the monkeys off.
>By 9 May at least nine cities in Mexico had set temperature records,
@bmacDonald94 These days people then reply with, "I better see this before it goes", and then make sure they enable the destruction to accelerate with thier massive emissions to go have an Insta moment.
The number of times this has been said about the Great Barrier Reef before people drive from all over Australia, or book airfares from all over the world to do their utmost to help ensure its destruction accelerates is... troubling.
I am reminded of that video of the Thylacine here in Tasmania. It's all we have left.
Even that photo in the OP is soul piercing, much like that giant scar in the middle of the photo :( why must we destry everywhere and everything ?
@ExtinctionR There is NO solution to climate change, environmental degradation, resources depletion etc that doesnt have active and electrified public transport and the removal of private cars and aircraft.
Ecars are the distraction ensuring the changes we need don't occur and are ensuring the continual destruction of the biosphere and the disappointment is they're so strongly defended even in here.
**Electric cars are not the future** *In cities at least, e-bikes make more cultural and consumer sense*
>Will they take up electric cars — in effect, just a cleaner version of what they already had — or switch modes of transport altogether? My bet is that, in cities at least, the e-car won’t be the vehicle of the future. I suspect it will keep falling further behind e-bikes, e-mopeds and e-scooters.
>EVs also emit more carbon over their life cycle than any form of urban transport except petrol cars.
@jackofalltrades Which is why it all comes back to voters (at least in democracies).
Nothing can change until they do, if any Government states it needs to crash the economy (I'd like to see it done with some equity in mind, taking from the rich and the lives of the poor improved with great social outcomes like public transport) to reduce emissions, they'd never be relected, let alone struggle to get any legislation passed.
People who blame polticans are looking to deflect blame from the real culprits. We entitled, apathetic self aborbed voter who elect entitled, self absorbed polticans and we so lack the imagination to grok what's happening what will happen.
I am here to learn and face the truth, not avoid it and sometimes this can alas lead to confrontation when others prefer the latter to the former. Matrix Account: