"Solar farms can host up to three times as many birds as crop fields – new research... After all, the mixed-habitat solar farms we surveyed contained many of the features birds prefer (similar to nature-friendly farms in less intensively farmed areas). "
Intense war and the destruction of the majority of a small country caused greenhouse emissions. Who would have thought?
"The emissions from the first 120 days of the Israel-Gaza conflict exceeded the annual emissions of 26 individual countries. This period saw intense military activity, including bombing raids, reconnaissance flights, and rocket attacks."
Military emissions are still not covered by the Paris Agreement.
"Already in 2023, air pollution related to powering U.S. data centers led to 360 premature deaths and total health costs of $5.6 billion across the nation, the researchers estimated. But those figures factored in just the average power-plant pollutant emissions."
Last year was the hottest year on record. Governments and businesses have been rolling back their climate promises as we've been experiencing record floods and fires around the world.
The time for collective action on the climate emergency has never been more urgent. Now is not the time to step aside, we need to come together and demand change. Business as usual cannot continue.
Get active in your community, find common ground with your neighbors, stand up for the planet and for humanity.
Explain like I'm 10 years old that the #LAFirestorm2025 won't be ~USD50Bn in economic losses that could have been invested in decarbonisation to prevent it all 30 years ago without the vast human harm? #ClimatePolicy
"Plant-based meat’s environmental impact is 91 percent lower than beef, 88 percent lower than pork, and 71 percent lower than chicken. If plant-based alternatives could capture half of the global protein market, the reduction in animal products would cut GHGs more than the entire electric vehicle sector."
Since 2019, 22 pieces of new legislation have been introduced in countries including Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, India, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Uganda, United Kingdom, and the United States to limit climate protests.
This is state capture by the fossil fuel industry.
So London renamed a bunch of train lines and one is called the Suffragette Line. So while we're correctly honouring women who would be called terrorists today, does that mean non violent protesters now will get an 'XR ferry' in the future?
Non violent climate activist Gaie Delap, aged 77, is facing imprisonment in the UK again due to home tagging wristbands not being made small enough for her, and an ankleband not being safe due to her health.
In other news #StormDarragh has smashed the UK, killing two and leaving 200,000 without power.
Regardless of who wins, we’ll keep working, because the system causing climate chaos, ecological destruction, and genocide will still be in place.
We need you. You have far more power than simply putting a ballot in a box. And when we link arms and stand in our power together, we can—and we will—force the system to change. 🌍🌏🌎
"Whales are recovering from near extinction, but industrial fishing around Antarctica competes for their sole food source. Nearly all of this catch is used to make two products: fish meal for aquaculture, and omega-3 dietary supplements. Most of the fish meal feeds farmed salmon, which develop their familiar pink color from consuming the food."
"Since satellites began observing sea surface heights in 1993 until the end of 2023, global mean sea level has risen by 111 mm." "If this trajectory of sea level rise continues over the next three decades, sea levels will increase by an additional 169 mm globally." https://www.nature.com/articles/s43247-024-01761-5