Notices by Aven (, page 4
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@thendrix @lain in fact Mao's Red Guards were the original "ok boomer"s
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@lain Agreed. The boomers fell for some harmful "boomer myths" like housing prices always going up, like a university diploma being the key to success, like working too hard for retirement and then just pure leisure after retiring.
I honestly think the worst things they did for millennials was the snow-plow parenting and the pitying that started in 2008. It created a learned helplessness in millennials which is hard to un-learn.
The really poisonous thing is the other-ing (like they're a class in class-struggle) and attribution of malice (again, class struggle proxy) to the boomers. This I think is that 70% you're talking about.
It's remarkably similar to the Marxist stuff, like "eat the rich, but Bernie Sanders is cool", where Bernie Sanders is rich, but he's familiar. The same way the other-ing doesn't stick to one's parents. However, if some kind of hypothetical revolution happened against boomers, yeah, our parents would get the guillotine. It's the whole "this group is evil! ...present company excluded" thing.
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@Moon that actually sounds interesting. How did it work out?
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@icedquinn @sim so the public education and television that boomers warned us about? Some subcultures did pass it down, like conservatives. They're happier and less blackpilled.
Overall I think it's the cultural marxist ideological subversion thing. Making people miserable and mentally ill on purpose so that they agitate for revolution, because happy people don't want revolution. Likewise blackmailing politicians and having them sell out the country like the CCP does (Feinstein and Swalwell are easily proveable examples) and Jeffery Epstein did.
There's a very real specific reason why Yugoslavia went insane, why Canada is going insane, why South Africa is going insane, etc. It's being caused on purpose to agitate revolution. Woke SJWs are very similar to Mao's Red Guards.
They want to fill you with blackpills so you'll lay down, surrender, and die for them. They want you hopeless, because the goal is to bully us all to suicide, because they're assholes. Cough up the blackpills, because you deserve better.
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@Griffith that's a lie. Clearly you don't know anything about the great depression. Or WWII. Or "duck and cover". Or the 70's.
Things were definitely better in the 90's and 2016-2020.
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@icedquinn @sim
>we don't have the knowledge or power how to make it better.
That's a lie you've been fed to blackpill you. You have better access to information that boomers ever had, particularly regarding skills.
But to be fair, it's a lie that boomers fed you. Their relentless pity for millenials did more harm than their myths about housing prices, the value of university, or retirement.
What really annoys me is that millenials passing than pity on to the generation after them, too. It frankly disgusts me to see them doing the exact thing they complain about boomers doing to them.
At the current rate, millenials will be more reviled than boomers are.
>their last acts on earth are to tie us to as many forever wars and lockdowns as humanly possible until entropy claims them.
As far as I'm aware, that's only a gerontocracy in DC, and not an entire generation. Or do you feel that way about relatives or neighbors?
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90's: "Break the cycle. End the oppression with mercy and forbearance. Be a better person than the one who hurt you."
2020's: "Can't wait to make things even worse for the next generation, in revenge against the boomers who made things terrible for my generation! Eye for an eye all the way, baby!"
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@kaia @lain also they use the accusation of 'jew' the exact same way progressives use the accusation of 'racist': as a Kafkatrap, wherein attempting to defend/deny is used as proof of the accusation.
In other words, in the same way as progressive accusations of 'racist', it doesn't mean 'racist', it means 'I am attacking you and you must be submissive and do as I say, because I claim moral superiority over you'.
It's also a thought-terminating cliche, great for derailing threads and silencing unwanted conversations.
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@lain @kaia I haven't looked in years, but I'm convinced that the purpose of r/JordanPeterson is to mock him and provide strawman versions of his arguments and his fans, to act as a caricature to steer people away from JBP.
Also, all of the "right wing" nazis who use the ((( cringe ))) are, without exception from what I've seen, in favor of government control of the economy and in favor of every progressive economic policy. I tend to think they are leftists "fellow kids"-ing conservatives and christians to promote a collectivist socialist "right wing" which is "right wing" only in that it's openly racist and loves to use paper-thin christian references as a cudgel. In other words, only "right wing" through a leftist's lens.
Reminder that Charlottesville was organized by Jason Kessler, who was a progressive who voted for Obama in 2008, who "switched".
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@eriner I've wondered, why not just use literal gold coins? Gold-backed requires a central location for the backing, which is a single point of failure to get Gaddafi'd.
People could just trade those CostCo gold tablets, and these days there must be an easy spectroscopy tool to verify that it's real gold element.
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@lain is that pre-rendered, or can the camera rotate around it?
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@thendrix wtf, I knew Biden's dog had been biting people, but I didn't know he's on his 3rd presidential dog. Champ, Major, and Commander.
>According to a Judicial Watch source "President Biden has mistreated his dogs. Judicial Watch has learned he has punched and kicked his dogs."
I mean it tracks, but yeesh. Abuse your dog, it bites people, it happens enough times that the dog gets put down, get new dog, repeat.
And of course PETA is silent. Of course they would be.
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@thendrix @kaia @lain well they've been told:
1) Trump bad.
2) Fox News bad.
3) All things in "bad" category are basically the same thing.
which is also why they use all the epithets interchangeably (racist, white supremacist, capitalist, patriarchy)
Also they're in a situation where they have no idea what Fox News says or thinks about anything, aside from what their filter bubble tells them it said. They'll never actually check the source for themselves, because that would taint them as Fox News-adjacent.
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@kaia all it's missing is the private message follow up to ask them out, now that they're single
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@conceptualjames communism also believed growth is good, and that it would do growth more and better than capitalism. The whole reason why workers of the world should unite was because they could get more growth, so much growth and hyper-abundance as to usher in post-scarcity for a leisurely prosperous future. The marxist idea was that the only reason a huge amount of growth wasn't happening for everyone is because capitalists were hoarding all the capital.
Now that communism has been shown to only create evil empires with little or negative growth, in the biggest pivot of "sour grapes" the world has ever seen, they've decided that maybe growth is actually a bad thing, which is why we need communism.
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@lain @Moon
more related to cyberpunk stories: I think the cyberpunk aesthetic is too good for its own good. As in it's able to be used as a crutch for paper-thin everything-else. As a result it attracts lazy content that would not be able to stand on it's own without cyberpunk tacked on, especially when it becomes trendy. Similar to zombie theme; there's good zombie-theme stuff, but so much bad stuff just leans on zombies to stand.
This word needs to be used more often.
"[thing] is good, but it'd be better if [current year political issue or short-lived meme] was shoehorned in."
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@lain @Moon
"[...] will be cool if everybody makes up new slurs"
There's a lot of this from the politically correct crowd lately. Like inventing new slurs is progress. Then in a decade or two, they'll pretend it wasn't them, like they currently do about slurs they used a decade or two ago.
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@Moon >I want you to make a country that I can comfortably live in without me having to worry about it, and if you fuck it up I cut off your fucking head.
That's how it works with monarchy with "divine right of kings" and "mandate of heaven".
If the country gets so horrible enough, a coup or revolution occurs, and with lots of death and fucking head cutting off, the dynasty is replaced with a new one.
Voting is a way to simulate this without the death part, with increased frequency so things can change course before they get too horrible.
>I don't want to vote either
I don't want to refill my car's gas tank, but doing so is better than letting it run out and buying a new car with a full tank. (car analogy for the steep cost of cutting off the fucking head of the guy tasked with making a country)
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Isn't the optimal "15-minute City" just a single enormous building that takes 15 minutes to walk from one end to the other of?
That people would just live out their entire lives in a single giant building, never going outside unless they receive a permit and pay for all the "carbon" that going outside "makes"?
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@lain a symptom of both scientism and authoritarianism is that "we don't know" isn't an option.
An honest "I don't know" is so much better than made up stuff.
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