@_elena nice blog post. I enjoyed it - and I agree that food is a useful way to think about it. It reminds me concepts such as permacomputing which takes a similar comparison to permaculture. Another term that can express some of this is “Small Tech”. I’m interested in how we create this understanding - everyone knows what organic food means. How can we create a similar understanding or a similar term. So we can say sentences like “People are slowly but surely moving to [TERM] social media” …
@_elena also I enjoy how you frame the “missing content” of a new fediverse-signup as a feature. There is this discourse - especially these days with the “competition” with BlueSky - that fediverse should be as “smooth” as big tech sociable media. Where I guess smooth means addictive etc. That the only way to compete is to be the same.
På Norsk hedder Fediverse for Alheimen, fortalte @fritjof mig. Hvilket jeg syntes er utroligt fedt. Så tænkte jeg om vi på dansk kunne gøre noget lignende. Fælledverset for eksempel? Hit me! #fediverse#alheimen#fælledverset#DKmastodon
Nå men Snuffkin: Melody of the loomio Valley er et smoking godt spil! Helt perfekt, historie, stemning, behandling af mumi-verdenen. Anbefalet. Det er rigtig meget et cozy spil - stor fornøjelse for både mig og børn. https://new.snufkin.game
Sammen mødes vi og kollektiviserer vores digitale infrastruktur. Vær med til at konspirere, lær at lave en hjemmeside, hør om kollektiv finansieringsstrukturer, kommuniker sikkert og på kollektiv server.
@thekitmalone the potential is huge! Everyone needs this work done, if u wanna live outside big tech - it’s not difficult, but it’s necessary and often invisible work. It’s a good example of “we have all the tools for a utopian solarpunk future - but we gotta do the work”.
We are starting a tech worker-cooperative on Southern Funen, Denmark. And looking for inspiration, knowledge and comrades - so please share!
Our praxis will be something like offering local and democratically organized tech-infrastructure to people and organisations with compatible values (not-for-profits, local-orgs, coops, informal groups, activists, etc.). Our ambition is to operate with planetary and intersectional feminist principles: http://futurologi.org/7-principles-for-planetary-coops/
@abolisyonista@philosophy tried it a bit. It seems a bit half baked. Or like someone hacked some things together on an instance using activitypub protocol to make something a bit like groups. Since it’s all dependent on the functionality of a single instance, it’s prone to be brittle and easy to take down, so I would not trust it to be resilient enough to build any organizing on it. Correct me if I’m wrong. #groups#activitypub#aguppe
Eco-feminist & planetary worker, South Funen Archipelago. Also known as David Walther Birk Lauridsen (they/he).Organised in:* https://ukrudt.net (server collective)* https://Kollektiv.email (email coop)* Center for Militant Futurology (utopian future studies https://futurologi.dk)* Mejeriet (social center and workshops https://mejeriet.ukrudt.net)* Open Commons Organisation movement (oco https://oco.ukrudt.net)* Teknologisk Arbejderkooperativ (tech-coop https://teknologisk.coop)