#feditips There are actually Fediverse groups called guppes hosted at <a.gup.pe>. It's a bit like Facebook groups, but decentralized. If you follow a guppe, for example @philosophy, you get access to the group's posts on your timeline. If you tag a group like @philosophy, you post to the group and your post will show up in the timelines of the group members.
@abolisyonista@philosophy tried it a bit. It seems a bit half baked. Or like someone hacked some things together on an instance using activitypub protocol to make something a bit like groups. Since it’s all dependent on the functionality of a single instance, it’s prone to be brittle and easy to take down, so I would not trust it to be resilient enough to build any organizing on it. Correct me if I’m wrong. #groups#activitypub#aguppe