Pulled out my heavy old ABM 225 button press today to punch out some official #HoosierSocial merch for the folks that attended our virtual party last night!
We had a lovely time and if you missed it, you missed out!
Want an exclusive Hoosier Sosh pin of your own? Starting in January we'll have a way for you to get one AND help out our community! #foreshadowing
It's COOKIE DAY. Just finished a batch of white chocolate cranberry oatmeal cookies. Dough for gingerpersons is chilling in the fridge. After that we are going to attempt a variety of fudge with some interesting floral and herbal flavorings.
In the last twenty four hours both Harris and Walz have delivered master classes in how to support the dignity of trans people without falling into the bad faith traps set for them by conservatives. That matters.
So you know this #scotus that is taking every opportunity to rule that states can decide if pregnant people get to live or die? They'll decide this term if states can do that to trans people, too.
This court is an existential threat. We have to win, decisively, to even begin to undo the damage.
Last night I sat through a breakdown of a study of women voters where the speaker (who had a lot of really awesome insights, otherwise) kept referring to the set as "self-identified women."
Can we just stop using constructions such as "identifies as" or "self-identified" when we're talking about women?
Trans women are women, and to me those constructions always feel like a covert way of making our womanhood sound sketchy and inauthentic.
Every once and awhile I want to ask a question in the LibreOffice forums but the responses there are such a unique combination of condescending, snide and defensive that I inevitably decide to just do without. Whatever I needed to learn is not worth having Discount Richard Stallman 'splain the difference between spreadsheets and databases to me or sarcastically tell me that I am incorrect to want to do what I want to do.
@GottaLaff here's what I don't understand... Texas is pretty red. You can expect that a lot of Republicans would like to have their successful elections certified so that they can take office. Why doesn't this sort of think just make everyone angry at them? rhetorical question obviously, as forethought never really seems to enter this stuff
@gooba42@GottaLaff No doubt, I can see that for national and statewide candidates. But what about all those local Republican school board, city council, state reps and state senators who would otherwise just coast into their seats on an easy win?
I predict this kinda chaos will have all kinds of unpredictable impacts and make enemies at the local parties. Which is honestly par for the course with national Republicans right now and would be somewhat fun to watch if it wasn't so dangerous.
While clearly that's the national party's priority, and a lotta folks at the local level are enabling it ... I still think pissing all over your local-level party infrastructure is kinda bad-news death-throes stuff. I don't see these tactics working out well for much of anybody in the end.
The fact that Rowling has descended into Trumpy birther-style conspiracy theories about a cisgender athlete whose looks, ability, and makeover choices she disapproves of should serve as a warning: this is the logical endpoint of the gender critical "movement."
It was always this, there's just no longer a pretense of good faith or high-minded feminism. Just rich, bitter old people tearing down strong women who don't look or act feminine enough or in "the right way."