@CStamp I can attest to this having had a subdural hematoma caused by banging my head on the car roof. Not a pleasant time in hospital I can tell you and the pain was unbearable.
On Christmas Day one of our hard drives failed. Luckily our backup plan worked. I would suggest that if you haven't tested your backup plan to see if it works. Then you should.
I have been involved in IT since the 1960s. A health crises brought that to an end in the 1990s. Now fully retired I produce and present radio shows which I provide free of charge for radio/web stations around the world. Main interest is the music of the 20th century. Also keen on old movies I find on You Tube. Love to read anything from cereal boxes to books.I have been using #linux as a desktop since 1999. Started with #debian then #ubuntu now using #linuxmint and some #raspberrypi servers.