Under the assumption that TikTok is run by a Chinese Intelligence Agency (not very likely), a takeover by Oracle would still represent an ethical downgrade in my book.
Wenn man diesen Thread (https://mastodon.social/@avatter/113787293864389194) liest, dann muss eigentlich jedem klar werden, dass man amerikanische Social Media nicht mehr nutzen kann (auf Mastodon erzähle ich da niemanden was neues).
Schon bevor Trump an der Macht ist, sind die Auswirkungen heftiger, als ich befürchtet hatte.
Mark Zuckerberg wurde vor die Wahl gestellt, einhalbwegs respektabler Mensch zu sein oder Milliardär zu sein. Er hat sich für das Geld entschieden.
Do we have someone from #southkorea here that can explain things to an interested audience here?
I do not understand how the suspended president could not be arrested. News reports say that the "military" prevented it. From my understanding, the military is under civilian control. Are those rogue units?
We would do well to remember the names of the pilots who died.
They fought for over an hour with a mortally wounded plane to get it as good as possible to the ground.
They had now yaw, no rudder, no ailerons, no flaps, only the power level of the engine as means of control.
Air Traffic Control denied them the use of the closest airports and sent them to cross a sea.
What they have shown is courage in the face of insurmountable odds. They knew exactly what their chances were. Their airmanship was on the highest possible level.
Their names are Igor Kshnyakin and Aleksandr Kalyaninov.
To the media: please don’t give any airtime to the obviously disinformation spreading speaker of the Kremlin and report about those who saved 29 lives.
If someone is wondering, why there are now suddenly so many donations to Trump (or settling of lawsuits) happening.
This is an ancient ritual called "kissing the ring" and we are observing it's modern implementation.
The phrase in an an allusion to a traditional manner of expressing obediance to a bishop (especially the pope) or king. You did this by bending your knee and kissing his ring.
All our dukes, barons and earls ... I mean our beloved economic leaders are now falling over their own feet in order to acknowledge the suzerainty of Trump.
My major criticism of Trump (far before any political ideology) is that he wants to rule and not to govern. He wants others to acknowledge his authority. This is far more important to him than what to do with that authority.
One could have sympathies with the company leaders if they were doing it in order to shield their employees from any fallout. But the major reason for them is to protect their own fiefdoms aka billions.
Like his dark master, Trump will have no qualms of wrecking any billionaire if someone crosses him. And the billionaires (quite realistically) believe the chances of the courts to side with them to be marginal. So they demonstrate subservidience.
This gestures are basically publicly saying:
We are willing to throw any employee, principle and user under the bus in order to protect what we have.
From time to time, I read things that make me wince. Lately this happens quite a lot. Certain election results now play out. But while this one is related, it is not a result of that election. But it made me wince even more.
There is nothing strategic about having a Bitcoin. Especially it will not be there, when you most need it. It is just a ploy to transfer money from the taxpayer to the oligarchs and get more suckers to invest.
Politik aus der Sicht eines Computerspielers und Netzenthusiasten
Das hier wird ein langer Thread, sowohl von Umfang als auch Zeit bis zum letzten Post her. Ich habe den Text inzwischen x Mal angefangen und wieder verworfen. Daher lege ich jetzt mal los und poste. Schauen wir mal, wo es überall hinführt. Ich mache jetzt die ersten 3-4 Posts fertig, alles weitere kommt wie Zeit und Motivation vorhanden ist.
Im Titel dieses Thread steht Trump für die Vergangenheit und wie sie uns an den Rand des Abgrundes geführt hat, an dem wir jetzt stehen. Trump ist aus meiner Sichtr kein spontanes Phänomen sondern das Produkt einer langen Entwicklung.
Jetzt stehen gerade wir in Deutschland vor der Frage, wie es in nächster Zeit hier weitergeht. Folgen wir auf einem ähnlichen Pfad und machen Merz, der sich schon als der nächste Kanzler geriert, zu unserem Vertreter in den kommenden intzernationalen Auseinandersetzungen.
Den Elefanten als Haustier brauche ich zu zwei Zwecken: Zum einen möchte ich manchmal Gedankenspiele machen, wie eine poltische Kraft vorgehen kann. Dazu brauche ich eine politische Bewegung. Diese wird T.R.O.E.T. (Tierisch Relevante Organisation für Elefantenhaltung und Tierpflege) sein, die sich dafür einsetzt, den Elefanten als Haustier in Deutschland zu verbreiten. Daneben dient er auch der Aufflockerung und Unterhaltung, die in der Politik inzwischen ein wesentlicher Faktor ist. Für die Anregung dazu Danke ich einem Lehrer von @isotopp
Working at front lines of the IT and having fun there. Been around the Internet since 1992 and still in awe what has become of that little baby.Personal interests:- Books (mostly F&SF)- IT Security- Computer Games & RPG- Cooking- Movies- Everything that blinks, has buttons to press and looks remotely gadgetoidEverything i write, post, tweet, blog or blurp is just my personal opinion and is not the opinion or policy of my employer, my cat or my goldfish.I post in English and German. Will try to mark each post correctly, but errors happen. Sorry for that.I appologize if I am not following you back. This happens as my stream is already getting more posts than I can read.