Notices by 寮 (, page 12
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 19:32:43 JST 寮 If users of Fedi softs were like nationals:
Mastodong: Mastodongers
Pleroma: Pleromans
Misskey: Misskists
GNU Social: GNU Socialists
PeerTube: PeerTubers
Friendica: Friendicans
PixelFed: PixelFeds
Mitra: Mitrans
Hubzilla: Hubzillians
Diaspora: Diaspori
Matrix: Jews -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 19:25:19 JST 寮 All authoritarians are SJW's, regardless of left wing or right wing.
The difference is the things they REEE at.
And while the left wing SJWs idolizes Karl Marx, right wing SJWs idolize Jesus Christ. -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 19:21:38 JST 寮 @JapanAnon So they're basically the right wing SJW's. -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 19:21:15 JST 寮 @JapanAnon Freeatlantis are all just a bunch of MAGA boomers.
They're generally puritans, so they absolutely hate loli's. -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 19:11:05 JST 寮 @kleeneks I know, this is because this Pleroma instance is clearnet-only, which it's fetching from.
I have yet to find a way around that. -
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Altar24 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 18:33:09 JST Altar24 >armed antifa protecting trannies yay!
>ermmm y are protesters armed now??? -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 18:25:18 JST 寮 Here's a list of covAIDS-related words I've been using over the past 3 years in both English and Japanese.
And yes, I know that the English and Japanese words mean different from each other, but I never translated the words, I only changed them to give them the true meanings while having it make sense in both languages.
Covid/Corona → covAIDS
新型コロナウィルス → 新型茶番
Vaccine → Lethal injection
ワクチン → 毒チン
PCR test → RNG "test" which is not a test
PCR検査 → RNG検査(実は検査じゃないけど)
Delta strain → Dumbass strain
デルタ株 → デマ株
Omnicron strain → Moronic strain
オミクロン株 → 白痴株
Covid lockdowns → Government lockdowns
コロナロックダウン → 政府ロックダウン
Mask → Face diaper
マスク → 顔おむつ OR 顔パンツ
Social distance → Soycialist distance
ソーシャルディスタンス → ソーシャリストディスタンス
BA variant → Bullshit Asshole variant
#CovidDoesNotExist #VirusesDontExist #ウィルスは存在しない #コロナは存在しない #マスク外そう #ワクチン危険 -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 18:23:36 JST 寮 @charliebrownau No idea.
It's not entirely clear to me if they specifically want to delete Winnie The Pooh, or the entirety of the CCP, I hear mixed stories even from Chinese people living here.
But I hope it's going to be the latter, considering CHAINA!! is a 1 party state, but caution is necessary, because it's still part of Operation Lockstep, so the rest of the world will need make sure the New World Order won't take over governance of CHAINA!!, because CHAINA!! and NIGGERia are the first 2 they have planned to install a 1 world government into.
And if they fail to take these 2 countries, they can't take anyone else, since their plans will be considered failed. -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 18:16:13 JST 寮 @TerminalAutism Never seen a laptop like that before.
Must be a giant-sized laptop I think (or a different category, considering that it can no longer be put on the TOP of your LAP).
And perhaps won't be doing well in a country like Japan where desks are generally way smaller compared to those in the west.
Also, what's with the huge amount of space in the area where that dragon is? -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 00:53:40 JST 寮 @digdeeper They're "confirming" this lab leak hoax for 3 years now.
No really, this whole lab leak theory immediately disgards all the evidence of the fact that this was all planned decades in advance.
You don't just accidentally leak something at the exact timing they need it. -
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寮 ('s status on Sunday, 04-Dec-2022 00:41:26 JST 寮 @kleeneks It's not a browser feature, it's the extension called "Block CloudFlare MitM Attack", exclusive for Furryfox and all its skins (Librewolf, Iceweasel, Icecat, Waterfox, Firedragon, and so on).
I'll write about it soon, as it requires manual installation from soyce. -
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rats ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:38:41 JST rats #itsAlwaysPleroma -
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psyopsu (spooky variant) ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:38:39 JST psyopsu (spooky variant) @lina @7 @rats always has been pleroma -
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T man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll: ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:38:31 JST T man :sex: :puffgiga: :puffpowerroll: @splitshockvirus
:puffclose: :puffclose: :puffclose: :puffclose:
lmao -
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寮 ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:34:06 JST 寮 No you stupid mask nigger, we're no racists at all!
It's just YOU who choose to feel offended by the word "NIGGER".
#ItsAlwaysPleroma -
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rats ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:29:34 JST rats #ItsAlwaysPleroma -
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:cacodemon_fast_spin: ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 20:28:14 JST :cacodemon_fast_spin: @Moon cant have a hellthread on posts limited to 500 characters #ItsAlwaysPleroma -
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寮 ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 19:45:14 JST 寮 @iska @hkc And "their" is the email address mentioned on -
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寮 ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 19:43:10 JST 寮 @iska @hkc You can.
Actually, a few months ago somebody tried to put to Cuckflare, so some random person registered an account using their contact email address, so CF doesn't even ask for account verification or anything.
Then they sent an email asking to change DNS to theirs at wherever the domain was registered at, which that person of course couldn't do.
So loli frog did a simple password reset on Cuckflare, undid the request, and purposefully didn't delete the account (because it could have happened again if she did).
So now she's sitting on that account which is doing nothing.
It great they need you to change DNS settings yourself, otherwise somebody else could have easily hijacked any domain they wanted.
And changing the DNS to Cuckflare would also mean that nothing would have worked anymore, and something like "" would be pointing to some underground porn site for example.
So clearly somebody attempted to cancel us on the domain name level, and they failed. -
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寮 ('s status on Saturday, 03-Dec-2022 19:36:52 JST 寮 @udon Actually, I think Pale Meme went down that route if I remember correctly.
So instead of making your fingerprint identical to everybody else, they decided to randomize it.
If every browser would do that, it would destroy fingerprinting so much that they'd have to find another way of surveilling you, which is why I think it's a good thing only Pale Meme does this, as not a single normie would ever use it, and once normies use it, you can bet we will have to prepare for the next major spyware and learn how to mitigate that.
Same with how it went with Adblockers, first it was just some nerds using it, so advertisers didn't care.
But then the normies started using it, and then they started blocking adblockers, and we on our turn started blocking the blocking of adblockers, and they started blocking the blocking of the blocking of adblockers, and so on.