@Koropokkur@poa.st @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @Terry@bae.st @fishsticks@poa.st Serbian fish is better
Notices by fuggy@skippers-bin.com, page 9
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:30 JST fuggy -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:28 JST fuggy @Terry@bae.st @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @Koropokkur@poa.st @fishsticks@poa.st a ideology and a ethnicity aren't the same thing
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:27 JST fuggy @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @Terry@bae.st @Koropokkur@poa.st @fishsticks@poa.st yes they don't mostly I am Jewish I don't practice Judaism it's not relevant to me
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:18 JST fuggy @Koropokkur@poa.st @Terry@bae.st @Dan_Hulson@poa.st @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @AndkonsReich@poa.st @Donald_McRonald@poa.st @EdBoatConnoisseur@poa.st @fishsticks@poa.st
500 messages
You are just as tribal and easy to bait as the woke liberals on Twitter and mastodon congratulations
You are just as tribal just different tribe you have no ability to think for yourself -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:13 JST fuggy @AndkonsReich@poa.st @Koropokkur@poa.st @Donald_McRonald@poa.st @EdBoatConnoisseur@poa.st @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @Terry@bae.st @Dan_Hulson@poa.st @fishsticks@poa.st you're a npc just programmed differently
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 21-Sep-2022 03:53:11 JST fuggy @Xeynas@bae.st @Donald_McRonald@poa.st @EdBoatConnoisseur@poa.st @Humpleupagus@eveningzoo.club @Terry@bae.st @AndkonsReich@poa.st @Koropokkur@poa.st @Dan_Hulson@poa.st @fishsticks@poa.st I have internal monolog must mean I am not a NPC ?
No wait people just think differently you're not special you're just retarded holy shit imagine -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 22:16:01 JST fuggy -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 22:16:00 JST fuggy @alex@gleasonator.com @graf@poa.st so true
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 08:29:36 JST fuggy @Terry@freecumextremist.com catgirl but you need Jesus
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 07:49:56 JST fuggy @MischievousTomato@varishangout.net I don't have one :(
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 20-Sep-2022 07:41:56 JST fuggy I accidentally took a dick pic while using my phone in bathtub
Biggest mistake of my lifeIn conversation from skippers-bin.com permalink -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Monday, 12-Sep-2022 04:56:01 JST fuggy @Krystle@soc.mahodou.moe post but vs pre nut
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Friday, 09-Sep-2022 12:34:58 JST fuggy In conversation from skippers-bin.com permalink -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Friday, 09-Sep-2022 11:44:25 JST fuggy I tried to make a human but it looks more like one the cogs from Toontown
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Wednesday, 07-Sep-2022 15:56:10 JST fuggy Become ungovernable
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 06-Sep-2022 10:43:31 JST fuggy - pistolero :thispersondoesnotexist:
- You always get what you want!
- Your New Marijuana Injecting Waifu :weed:
- Terry
- straw
- faggi
- Binkle
- ???? BSD :luke_smith: :pepe_gun: :openbsd:
- nash's schizo daughter :ancapchanlol:
- Heliodramus
- Oblivia
- Prodigal Offishall - Canuck State of Mind
- Sharia
- Leyonhjelm :ek2_ribbon:
- Andrii Logan Zvorygin ????♀️?
- The MILF Messiah
- Johnny Peligro [ single ]
- has
- of nothing
- Joe R. Biden
- Yukkuri
- Hyolobrikator
- long yap
- スプリットショックウイルス †
- PonyPanda
- Joe Biden :verified:
- Joe Biden :verified:
- Terry
@NecroKvntPuke@freespeechextremist.com @Andrii@we.1being.org @DiamondMind@freespeechextremist.com @7@collapsitarian.io @Binkle@sleepy.cafe @Heliodramus@freespeechextremist.com @Hyolobrika@gleasonator.com @JoeBiden@rdrama.cc @Leyonhjelm@social.lovingexpressions.net @MischievousTomato@bae.st @Oblivia@freespeechextremist.com @PonyPanda@freespeechextremist.com @Prodigal@freespeechextremist.com @Terry@bae.st @Terry@freespeechextremist.com @apropos@freespeechextremist.com @fugger@gearlandia.haus @get@bae.st @has@collapsitarian.io @iamtakingiteasy@eientei.org @joebiden@fuckgov.org @joebiden@social.linux.pizza @longyap@mk.longyap.name.my @lunarised@whinge.town @mint@ryona.agency @nerdtronics@mstdn.starnix.network @p@freespeechextremist.com @sjw@bae.st @splitshockvirus@social.danksquad.org @straw@socks.pinnoto.org @thebitchisback@freespeechextremist.com real footage too
In conversation from skippers-bin.com permalink -
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 06-Sep-2022 08:26:51 JST fuggy Trying to make stable diffusion prompt for skin with oil on it like pic rel best I have gotten is "shiny skin and wet from mineral oil"
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 06-Sep-2022 03:54:01 JST fuggy uoh
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 06-Sep-2022 03:41:23 JST fuggy AI generated booba
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fuggy@skippers-bin.com's status on Tuesday, 06-Sep-2022 03:12:45 JST fuggy Happy little mistake by happy little AI image generator
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