Here's their official .mil website. Unclear if they do anything except act as another unifying agency that brings together stuff that was formerly done by many different agencies and groups before.
I forgot they call the soldiers in the US Space Force "guardians".
@deprecated_ii@IAMAL_PHARIUS@Eiswald To be fair, a lot of them are not illegal anymore. They receive "Temporary Protected Status", but it either gets continued ad infinitum or the people that receive it never leave.
It is not even about their being illegal.
It should have always been about how they are not White, first, but people who argued allegedly on our behalf before we were born cucked out and argued over the legal aspect instead.
Like lol we would care but not nearly as much if it were 50 million French people.
Every time I see partisan garbage like this, I reflect upon how it is truthful of both sides.
I recall a conversation I had with a republican who was racist, owned a farm, and thought it "based" that he hired illegal non-White labor to work on it. "It's better they do it than White people", he said.
Nothing could convince him otherwise, and he didn't actually give a damn about other White people.
The king of israel, Donald J. Trump, is going to be inaugurated soon. You will see more posts like this about how evil democrats are. They are evil. But they consciously omit that republicans are NO BETTER.
They friggin' love cheap pseudo-slave labor and abhor workers' rights, especially if it's for White workers. They've a stronger feeling of kinship with literally-living-in-trash Brahmin Indians and baby foreskin sucking jews, than they do with any of us.
But the reasons people do it are often just because they're butthurt.
I made fun of him being an unironic flat earther by telling him to go get a free trip to Antarctica. I am not sure if you are aware of the "Final Experiment" that the flat earthers were keen on, and have been coping about ever since doing it.
Except for "Flat Earth Dave" aka David Weiss (confirmed jewish) who is, more than the rest, purely grifting and knows he's lying.
@HWABAG@GrungeQueef@RealRaul@anime_outdoor The person you are claiming is a girl and is "Correct" about Mussolini (he's not correct) is using that old photoshopped image used by some actual feds to try to entrap retarded gunspergs, and is probably a dude.
They get their meat from the same place everywhere else does.
The meat packing plants with 40+ different languages being spoken and a myriad of non-Whites working there, and not the kind from cultures that practice a lot of handwashing after using the restroom.
Sometimes even with child labor, even in the USA.
Somehow this is not more horrific than some stupid scifi dystopia thing, and no I don't just mean because the people handling it are non-White.
They don't speak 1 language, let alone English, they're often not literate, they're pseudo-slave labor in place of hiring natives as they're often illegal immigrants, but legal immigrants with workvisas are becoming as frequent and are about as tolerable (not at all).