Notices by Kenny Blankenship (, page 4
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro @heytomjones you just know that right about now there are panicked video conference calls going on between New York, Palm Beach, DC and Tel Aviv, all focused on how to save a collapsing political system buckling under the weight of a felon and a drooling retard.
It’s like someone decided to mash together House of Cards with Idiocracy
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@TrevorGoodchild @Aly @Shlomo never would‘ve believed you if you told me ten years ago that I’d be agreeing with the sentiment of pic below
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@TrevorGoodchild You have to wonder what Larry Fink and pals are thinking here. It’s like their strategy is just “we don’t care how much money we lose in the short term, eventually the market will become so saturated with pozzed crap the goys will have to watch it.” This seems to be their thinking with video games and movies too.
Bold strategy Trev, let’s see if it pays off for em
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I feel bad for all the single guys out there, the dating scene just looks unspeakably awful
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Holy shit O’Keefe actually said that
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@sickburnbro @Arkana @TrevorGoodchild I think both Dread and Trevor have pointed out that any attempt to bring back the draft would probably cause the country to implode. The Gen X/Aging boomer coin clutchers running the show now might be dumb enough to try it
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro The political class is trying for a Cold War/WW3 against Russia/China/Iran while risking a Lebanon War 2: Electric Boogaloo with Hezbollah while trying to force through austerity via open borders/climate change bullshit while trying to go full Bolshevik against 45% of the electorate.
This is why the tribe is at 109 (really 111 now, s/o to Afghanistan and Yemen) and counting. A complete inability to do any self reflection or refrain from doubling down. History sure does rhyme
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro @JoshuaSlocum @Paleface @Escoffier @greentext “Yes, now get on the cattle car destined for San Francisco“ :chad0:
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@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild @JoshuaSlocum @Paleface @Escoffier @greentext in addition to removing the squatimalans, red areas will need to be cleansed of blue locust colonizers
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@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild @JoshuaSlocum @Paleface @Escoffier @greentext I can’t wait til the phrase “Population Exchange” enters the normie lexicon
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it’s like this even in deep red areas now. Everywhere feels like a cross between Blade Runner, the Star Wars Cantina scene and Idiocracy
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@TrevorGoodchild @JoshuaSlocum @Paleface @Escoffier @greentext From what I understand, the main reason healthcare is so fucking expensive in Burgerland is that the system essentially consists of a cartel of massive hospital networks, who collude to rip off insurance providers at every turn, who in turn rip off their subscribers through ever increasing deductibles and higher co-pays/fees
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Guys I'm assembling a team...
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America has blasphemy laws. And our god is poopdick
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This is great news, since it means Zog's is nearing its death throes
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shit still sucks
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Gonna start a conspiracy theory that Trevor Moore faked his death so that he could thwart Zog’s efforts to poz the country of Georgia
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>55% of American women born in 1991 are still childless
hoo boy
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Zog truly is speedrunning the imperial decline process
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@SuperSnekFriend @Jean_Philippe_Micheaux You could argue that it was the peak for the ruling class. Remember that 1991 was the same year the USSR imploded. China was still a third world backwater. The “End of History” was published around this time. It looked like GloboHomo would have no challengers for far into the 21st century.
Obviously for normie Americans its been all downhill (with relatively brief reversals) since the Civil Rights/Hart Cellar act double whammy of 1964/65. Although 1991 was much better than the mess we‘re in now.
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