> the public sphere (a problematic construct to begin with)
What's wrong with the public sphere as a construct?
> On what new basis solidarity > could be rebuilt is entirely unclear to me.
Things sure look bad at the moment, but I think it will come back, we humans have it in us, we always had, we just got distracted and temporarily forgot about it. It will come back to us. Solidarity does not need to be built, it will grow like vegetation coming up in cracks in the asphalt.
"RocksDB has a more simple API. LMDB doesn't seem designed specifically as a KV storage engine"
This guy has absolutely no friggin idea what he's talking about. #LMDB is the most fundamentally distilled essence of a transactional KV storage engine. #RocksDB is a Rube Goldbergian Frankenstein's monster that even its authors admit they don't know how to tune or optimize correctly.
@jonben@samuel man ska ta sig in till skattkammaren djupt inne i mitten av borgen och där ska man smyga in och plocka med sig skatter, helst utan att draken vaknar för då sprutar den eld som lätt tar kol på en. Den som har mest skatter med sig ut vinner. Om någon alls överlever det vill säga, det händer att alla dör.
@nopatience one small thing that anyone can do, is that when you tell others about some great software that you are using, for example you write a blog post about it or post somewhere about it, make sure to mention something about how and where we can donate to that project. I mean instead of just writing "software XYZ is great and it's free!", write "software XYZ is great and its FOSS so it needs funding, here is how to donate ."
@nopatience I didn't buy any ebooks in any form myself so I don't really know what I'm talking about here, but I remember someone (maybe it was @karlemilnikka ) saying that the thing to do is to buy e-books in a way that makes it possible for you to download book files in an open format (possibly with some watermarking thing to discourage you from spreadig it to others) so that you know you will always be able to read the book. Even if the company that sold it disappears in the future. @mwl
Human being. Programmer, sailor, researcher, teacher, student, parent, child, etc. Free/libre and open-source software (FOSS/FLOSS) enthusiast. Likes human rights, including digital rights such as privacy of communication. Lives in Stockholm. He/him. No DMs.