Had lunch at Yua Ramen right next to Ranch 99 Market in #Edmonds. We wanted to give that place a try because it's run by the family of one of our daughter’s preschool teachers. 🌸
Too bad there were no cycle racks in that huge open space.
I can't believe my own stupidity. How in the world did I decide to take Burke-Gilman from Lake City to the U-District on a day like this instead of my usual route, which is 35th Ave --> Ravenna --> 25th Ave? The fact that much of the trail between NE 65th and the U-District is still full of tree roots doesn't help, and I should've known that, too.
"Key findings from the study highlight the significance of challenging the status quo to garner support for new initiatives. Despite initial opposition or skepticism, the report suggests that public opinion often shifts in favor of cycling infrastructure once the benefits become evident. However, policymakers are cautioned against adopting a paternalistic approach in promoting active travel schemes, as it may risk alienating segments of the population."
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io I'd think Berin, being in Germany, has punctual trains with no broken doors, but whoever said it, is probably right about convenience stores!
@skinnylatte@hachyderm.io@lyndings@tech.lgbt If you live in the Seattle area, Town & Country in Shoreline (formerly "Central Market") carries a good selection of instant noodles, if not 100. TJ's has "brioche" bread that's reminiscent of the Japanese soft bread, too, in case you haven't tried it.
You lie. You enter a private property illegally. You pressure a homeowner to put it in writing not to remove a tree when selling the property. All is justified in order to save a tree. Right? Right?
An interesting suggestion from BBC about the potential negative effect of noise-cancelling headphones. I don't own a pair, and that doesn't inconvenience me much, but I also know noise-cancelling headphones are hugely popular.
This PC World article hits close to home. I've got a Lenovo Duet 11 detachable 2-in-1 #Chromebook. I love it for its small form factor and decent performance (including the built-in Linux environment), but OMG, it's a pain to use on my lap, as the article aptly points out. And I rarely use it as a tablet - I always go back to my M8 for that!
I am happy to see Prop 1A passing with a good margin. It means people in Seattle are not only big on social housing, but also willing to tax the rich to help redistribute wealth. CM Sara Nelson and her conservative cronies can go to... Texas? 😅
I was filling out a survey when I encountered this question: "Is English the language you're most comfortable reading in?" I said yes, but it really depends on the genre/content. For example, I'm more comfortable reading manga in Japanese.
A friend says if her Mastodon account suddenly goes away, it is because of Trump's executive order to take away the student visas from the international students who protest the genocide by Israel. That's already beyond insane, but what's next? Will I have my green card taken away because of my position on Israel? JFC.