@fwc the wall is different for men and women, but the biological wall exists for both sexes. You are the product of many, many generations that fucked while the iron was hot, then were stable enough to bring that offspring to maturity. It's a good thing for the survival of the species for older members to be less focused on sex than stability.
@bruh_momento@mischievoustomato I think people read it as "you'll never get lonely after 30". Like, no, that's not true, but you'll find it easier to put yourself into projects and passions that aren't women.
@mischievoustomato it's freeing. You are biologically coded to try to fuck as much as possible during your peak health and fertility window, then level out to help raise those kids you made. Doesn't mean you don't still want sex, but the NEED of a companion that your brain screams at you for dies down.
@matty@sun@TheFediFiles it seems some of your people and Graf are having a bit of a spat, more so last week, but from my perspective it's a needless brother war. We're all the same team.
@matty@sun@TheFediFiles I wish your PeerTube luck. The plugins simply don't work like 60% of the time for me which is why I went with an owncast for streaming.
@sun@TheFediFiles Just for the record, neither Graf nor Matty are terribly fond of the idea. Tsundere isn't taking sides in the Poast vs NCD war, but it'd be a really uphill battle to get either.