philosophers are like a buffet - more questionable dishes 🧵 2/?
(worked hard on this, be kind)
Zeno of Citium invented Stoicism, the philosophy of accepting whatever daddy capitalism does to you with a smile. basically philosophical BDSM without the fun parts or aftercare. the ultimate submissive's guide to letting the world raw dog you while pretending you wanted it that way. also made the unforgivable sin of spawning generations of tech bros quoting Marcus Aurelius while building surveillance capitalism and calling their emotional constipation "virtue." bonus points for inspiring LinkedIn philosophers who think "the obstacle is the way" means exploiting their workers harder
Schopenhauer grasped the fundamental nature of suffering while being its perfect embodiment. wrote an entire philosophy around being an incel, yet his insights on will and representation resonate perfectly in those dark 3am moments of clarity
Kierkegaard understood existential dread so well because he lived it. spent his life wrestling with faith, anxiety, and regret over a broken engagement. brilliant on paper, but perhaps needed less contemplation and more touching grass
de Beauvoir revolutionized feminist philosophy while trapped in philosophy's most toxic relationship. wrote about women's liberation and authenticity while letting a narcissistic existentialist control her narrative. the irony burns
Kropotkin watched ants share food and decided humans could do better. noble idea, but maybe spent too much time with cooperative insects and not enough time watching people fight over parking spots. still, his analysis of mutual aid shaped revolutionary thought
Hegel constructed an entire philosophical system to explain everything, then explained it in the most convoluted way possible. thesis: brilliant insights, antithesis: impenetrable prose, synthesis: philosophical migraine
Jung mapped the collective unconscious then got so lost in it he built a tower and invented languages. went from analyzing archetypes to living them, which is either madness or transcendence. possibly both
Wittgenstein solved all of philosophy's problems twice, declared philosophy meaningless both times, yet couldn't stop philosophizing. threw away wealth to teach children, then got frustrated when they didn't understand logical positivism
Baudrillard predicted our descent into hyperreality while becoming increasingly unreal himself. wrote about the death of reality while reality died around him. simultaneously predicted social media brain rot but didn't go far enough
Epicurus preached pleasure as the highest good but defined it as "not being disturbed." founded a philosophy of hedonism that mainly involved eating simple meals and having lengthy discussions about atoms. task failed successfully
Zinn rewrote history from below while academia clutched its pearls. showed us the people's story but thought education alone could overcome power. he gave us the tools to understand why we need to burn it all down. READ PEOPLE'S HISTORY
give me Emma Goldman - she knew theory meant nothing without dancing with a molotov in one hand and a lover in the other
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