@inthehands just reminded me of the sort routine produced by a genetic algorithm some years ago, that made the news because "nobody understood how it worked". Can't find a reference now.
Y'know, when I was learning my way around Unix system programming, I was told "the source code is the documentation" and that worked for me. When I wanted to find out if there was a C library function to do what I wanted, or how it worked, I read the C library source code. When I didn't like how the library worked I changed it and recompiled it.
@dalias@Qyriad my bank's app is worse. Pretty sure it checked for my bootloader ever being unlocked. Even after I removed root and relocked bootloader, it still complains the phone is rooted.
Either that, or there's another rootkit hiding out on the phone that I need to find...
@eliasr the ones currently in my house are triggered by steam escaping the bathroom after a hot shower. Maybe the steam is condensing on the sensor, not really sure what the triggering mechanism is.
Nonsense like this is why the #OpenLDAP Project has always discouraged using any forums other than the official OpenLDAP mailing lists. The true subject matter experts of open source projects don't use 3rd party for-profit forums. https://mastodon.social/@trisweb@m.trisweb.com/112396412105342949 We also maintain a presence on IRC but since that isn't archived or searchable, it's still an inferior choice.
Independent projects must own all of their data. Information you give to Stack Exchange, Quora, etc doesn't belong to you.
Unfortunately constructors are pretty much the safest way to do library init, especially in a threaded program. And you could do all kinds of mischief in a destructor too, running long after privilege checks were done.
@niconiconi imo a language spec should define only the language syntax. Nice-to-have libraries are no different than anybody else's code written in that language.
The only reason you ever needed to define a standard library for C (or C++) and its behavior is because companies were selling language implementations without library source code. If your syntax spec is solid and your compiler is correct, then you just need to provide library source code and everyone will get the same behavior.
@niconiconi but it's obvious there is a right and wrong in that argument. C used to be a language that could be implemented in itself, but isn't any more. It is now broken, because the spec makes it illegal to write functions like memcpy() in user code; they're only legal in the specially blessed standard library, which gets to ignore some of the braindead typing rules. When your language spec only works via special case exceptions to the rules, it's a broken spec.
@tweedge I had a similar experience a couple months ago looking for a new laundry washer & dryer - all the latest models had wifi. Why the hell would my washing machine need wifi? I bought the model from a couple years previous, with no smart features.