@anna@juliobiason eu não sei os números exatos (sim, já vi gente sentada nos corredores), mas eu sei que na devroom que eu ajudo a organizar a gente fica barrando gente de entrar pelo limite de pessoas o tempo todo... afinal, esse já virou até um meme no FOSDEM
@juliobiason They do have it, that's why every room has volunteers limiting the entrance to ensure each room's capacity is not exceeded.
What that says is that if 1,000 people decide to enter the auditorium to protest, then ULB (the uni where this is is hosted) will have a problem and FOSDEM will most likely lose their venue.
As part of keeping my sanity, in recent years I stopped trying to keep track of every little thing going on in the world to the finer details.
So, _if you are in the US_, what is the official explanation that the government is giving for banning TikTok and what are people _in general_ (L&R) perceiving the reason to be?
(Not looking for opinions from abroad, or hot takes foreign or domestic, just a weather report of the political climate on this. Thanks!)
Happy new year! I'm going to start something fun and somewhat ridiculous.
I've been doing Duolingo for German 🇩🇪 and French 🇫🇷 over the past week (I had some contact with both many years ago but never really got them to a usable conversational level), and I'm going to start posting one video a week here to document my progress, just trying to freestyle a bit for a minute or so.
Let's see how far I can take this! I'd love to do it consistently for the whole year, and hopefully see the progress!
I wonder if non-developer end-users feel the difference, or if the end result is just the same: "this doesn't work".
I've seen people not realizing they were being manipulated by slick ill-intentioned software.
I've seen people dismissing awkward well-intentioned software outright with "this is broken".
If users were looking at a person performing a task in front of them (say, an office clerk) rather than a piece of code, everyone would be able to tell the difference instantly.
Well-intentioned awkward free software still beats slick ill-intentioned proprietary software any day of the week. Both cause frustration, but the nature of the frustration is so, so different.
The latter pretends it Just Works, and the frustration is injected for nefarious reasons.
The frustration in the former is an accidental emergent behavior. I feel empathy to that, but it's no less frustrating.
I recognize it as a user myself when using software by others, and unfortunately I recognize it in my users when they fail to use my software. I know the answer in both cases is "well, the workflow is awkward because reasons". There's always reasons, they're always complicated.
I wonder if I would know that were I not a developer myself.
@anna The reading that this is a need to conform does not preclude the perception of their political agenda. He needs to conform _because_ of his agenda, which is in equal parts political and economical.
IMO Zuckerberg seems more worried about maintaining his market/economic position than pushing a specific ideological course. Musk is doing the latter (as a means to amass further power) and he now has the upper hand. The timing and tone of Zuckerberg were a white flag to the incoming regime.
Still coding free software — Created htop, Teal (typed dialect of Lua), LuaRocks package manager, GoboLinux distroPhD (PUC-Rio), interested in dataflow, PL ∩ HCIOccasional music and cat contentToots in pt_BR: hisham@masto.donte.com.br