For those who have jobs, does it generally take weeks after signing the employee form that asked for the name of your bank and other personal info to be processed? Does it usually take a while for the company to get back to you for the rest of the on-boarding process? #Jobs, #Employment
@Fragglemuppet There was an entier multi-long search for it because it was once unviewable by anyone, and there's a documentary that goes through the entire search.
For those who like text idol games you can enjoy, I highly recommend text-based. It's super fun, they even have their own radio station and yes, its 100% screen reader accessible. Direct your nearest browser to, #Gaming
@Fragglemuppet i don't like the term activist. I'm not looking to make grand speeches and do paperwork all day. I'm just trying to live my life and be worthy of enjoyment. That's it. If it requires skirting certain expectations, so be it.
@Fragglemuppet Unfortunately, we will always be an afterthought in society. Understanding this makes me find ways to get around it, even if those ways are seen as odd or different by the general populous.
People don't realize this, but i could have been living under Fidel Castro's government, an actual communist government where I would have been seen as useless and not given a chance because of my blindness, so forgive me if I have patriotism for the country that is giving me the chance to make it in life, Trump be damned. #UsPol
Hi there! I'm Nick. I'm 25 years old, a college graduate and #Blind. I'm a massive #Sports guy, with my favorite teams being the #LosAngeles #Rams, #Dodgers, and #Lakers. I'm also a fan of #Gaming and I also like making soundpacks for programs. I sometimes post #Political opinions and some #NSFW content here too so you've been warned. I hope to find more friends here.Signal; gocu.53.