@chu wow this is so good, I was literally thinking about Hoklo/Hokkie; You are right in Taiwanese Hoklo we also use 攬 lam such as 我偕伊攬 (I hug him/her) , is this the same for Teochew (cue @skinnylatte here sorry)? So 抱 as hug must be Mandarin
@Tamami thanks to my parents, they kept it. It is now a bit of antiques as soon after my graduation there was a textbook reform and these old style were abandoned (partly because it is too China centric )
旅英 #台灣人,白天教書,晚上胡扯 #歷史,#文化,還有 #政治。#父親,#漢人。#Taiwanese in the UK. Lecturer in the university by day, rant about #history, #culture and #politics by night. #Father and #Han