nah @xarvos, if i stab meself in me stomach with a noif, shall i have a noifache or a football? i think not, so regardless of why @CAETFOOD had a headache, twas still a headache innit?
@fcktheworld587, I think melon suk and bird site are more like a government employee and a wall that people read from and write to. It's not his fault that people take his private wall as the sole source of information.
(On the other hand he can make mass profit by abusing his power, but I'm no lawyer either so I can't point fingers to why this should be illegal. Plus, it's not like the oligarchs don't already play politicians like puppets, what's happening in the US is just a power move.)
- images mostly get downloaded automatically (and thus get cached on Cloudflare side)
- push notifications make this a 0-click thing, as the targeted user doesn't even have to click on a conversation to have the image downloaded
I believe this technique would work against any communication app that uses any global CDN that does endpoint caching and provides the caching status in HTTP headers of the response.
Thanks, @ashenwave, I love it. I thought of getting a physical print but shipping it half way around the globe doesn't seem to be a good idea.
Slightly relevant, how much do you get per sale from e.g. INPRNT? I heard the cut is rather tiny for musicians and authors, do painters fair any better?
O captain, my @captainepoch, what I said came from a place of love. From thy defensiveness and endless justification of thy addiction, I get that thou artn't ready for rehabilitation. Perhaps thou lacketh the insight into the negative impact of covfefe usage, while focust strongly on the positive effects thou experiencest from using it. Perhaps thou hath tried to get away from it and failest multiple times, maybe thou feeleth recovery is simply impossible for thee.
The truth is that anyone can recover from any stage. Remember that we hydro homies are here for thee. Be strong, make us proud, and quit that powdered substance that's ruining thy physical and mental health! Drink more water to cleanse thyself of the harmful drug that's been in thy system for decades, eventually the withdrawal shall stop and thou shalt feel better. Maintain a positive life with frequent hydration to avoid hurting thyself and relapsing into the ole dangerous path. We believe in thee!
Bradley and @karen published their thoughts about the TikTok ban yesterday:
"Users (and our government) should instead insist that, to operate in the USA, that ByteDance respect the software rights and freedoms of their users by releasing both the server and App components of the software under a “free and open source” (FOSS) license.
IKR @xarvos, also here in feudal korea €10k/year is somewhat livable (albeit below minimum wage) even with the standard 20% saving. Bad news is that if it's not regularly adjusted for inflation, you'd be pretty fucked because such saving is nowhere near enough to buy a real estate. Cc: @kaia & @maija
Since I'm uncertain of thy current impression, @xarvos, there's an option for
Catchall mail - is a feature for your custom domain. It enables you to receive any and all emails addressed to your domain even if not addressed to your email address (
Enshittification is a process, aight, @xarvos? So assuming en- here means covered by, a pile of shit being covered by even more shit, while remains to be a pile of shit, is indeed being enshittified.