Thank you for the explanation.. That 'testing for all the other types they could, and those coming up negative' could explain the phrase "presumptive positive" in news articles. And yes, I'd heard that only a few labs can test for H5N1.
I understand. But in my experience, almost nowhere is willing to fiercely enforce mask rules. So 'masks required' translates into actuality as 'most people will be masked, most of the time'.
@Infoseepage I don't think the con staff is willing to be mask police.
But having a mandate made clear in advance selected for people who are willing to at-least-mostly comply, and greatly improved the mask % compared to not having a mandate.
I'm attending Arisia science-fiction convention this weekend. THEY HAVE A MASK MANDATE. And it has completely reversed the usual ratio: 95% of people masking, majority N95 or KN95, only about 5% of people maskless.
It's so pleasant and relaxing to see most people masked again.
For anyone curious: Ranked-choice is what we use in Cambridge. It's *wonderful*. It almost completely removes the bitter party partisanship. Candidates focus on the issues, and you just vote for your favorites in order. 🙂
If your first-choice candidate doesn't get enough votes, your ballot gets applied to your second-choice candidate. You never have to worry that voting for your favorite might let the really bad candidate in.
Good news - researchers in the UK found that potato stems contain fibers similar to cotton fibers. This could become a new source of material for textiles. Since the stems are currently treated as a waste by-product of potatoes, we wouldn't need to use any new land or water for this new source of fiber! We might be able to reduce the resources used to grow cotton. A team is working on making thread from 75% cotton / 25% potato, to use in existing machinery.
@trendless Interesting. I'm still catching up from "the brain has immune privilege" to "the brain just has different immune regulation"*, but several lines of research seem to be converging on "Alzheimer's is related to infection and/or a result of problems fighting infection".
And that could be wonderful, if we find ways to prevent it or treat it.
@zakalwe The great economist John Kenneth Galbraith backs you up. He pointed out that if CEOs were so crucial to the performance of the company, when a CEO retired, the company would crash while the CEO would show great success on a new project. But in fact the company keeps going as it was, and the CEO produces nothing on his own. Conclusion: CEOs don't usually make a difference to the company's performance.
@mcnado It's been clear to me for months now that Israel's plan of campaign is "Drive them all into the sea". Or into Egypt, they don't care. Drive everyone into a tiny space, and slaughter everyone who doesn't leave.
This is supported by their public statements. They've said repeatedly that they believe *everyone* in Gaza is part of Hamas. So when they say "We won't stop until we have wiped out Hamas" ...that means wiping out everyone.
Boston metroplex. SF/F fan. Currently active fandoms: Locked Tomb series by Tamsyn Muir, Next Town Over webcomic, Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series, Kidd Commander webcomic.