"Socialism and communism are both economic and political systems that advocate for public ownership and aim to reduce inequality, but they differ in their approaches. Socialism allows for some private ownership and seeks to redistribute wealth through democratic means, while communism calls for complete state control of resources and aims for a classless society through revolutionary change."
@Radical_EgoCom@GottaLaff Regarding People such as Carter. The fact is, in politics if one has scruples, the number of disgusting people one is forced to work with, makes it almost impossible to make things better for we the people. Now we will see the blatant opposite, a clear oligarchy.
So over the years the leap frogging between both parties, has paid off, for by the elite. U.S. now with 45 will be an oligarchs wet dream. Possibly an end to our limited oxymoron democracy.
@Radical_EgoCom " Mussolini defined fascism as a political ideology that emphasizes the absolute authority of the state over individuals, rejecting democracy and promoting extreme nationalism, militarism, and the idea of collective struggle."
"He believed that fascism was a response to the failures of socialism and liberalism, advocating for a strong, centralized government that prioritizes the nation above all else." Wikipedia
Progressive person who believes in other peoples right to exist. Am tired of MSM providing constant disinformation and outrage to divide the US. My greatest strength is, to put off tomorrow what I can do today.