@p@judgedread One big problem we have is that our instincts regarding the effects of relatively small shifts in the average properties of groups are very wrong:
This means that we can easily have many friends in a particular group who seem normal without realizing that the group taken as a whole is responsible for an enormous over-representation in trouble. These effects are very powerful, such that refusing to focus one's crime reduction efforts based on them easily reduces their efficiency by an order of magnitude.
All those extra non-racist investigators have to be *paid* -- this means higher taxes. Also, as you well know, if you have enough police in a state, it becomes a police state.
@p@judgedread This is the difference between how normal people and Inquisitors think. A normal person thinks, "only sub-5% of the members of group X cause real problems." An inquisitor thinks, "60% of the public high-level troublemakers out there are part of group X, which is only 2% of the population." Both of these statements can be true (and in the case of the jews likely are).
Those of us with a libertarian background get unhappy about the injustice associated with putting the boots to the entire group, because we empathize with the unfortunate small business jew who's just trying to sell bagels, who *hasn't committed any crime personally yet*. By an accident of birth that could be *us*. We want a purely reactive justice system where nobody gets hit except for bad shit they personally did, one where "everyone gets to go to Hell in their own go-kart", as WJBIII once said.
There are two difficulties with this reactive approach. The first one is that groups containing a much larger than normal percentage of coordinated manipulative exploiters can use their first strike advantage to *capture the enforcement mechanisms*. This is what has happened to us: the FBI, CIA, court system have been completely subverted by bad actors for a long time, and very obviously so.
The second problem is when the group in question has sufficient in-group loyalty such that members will not actively report bad faith actors in the group to the enforcers in the larger society. Civilian reporting of real crime is essential to a functional high-trust society, especially a more libertarian one where we want law enforcement to be as decentralized as possible. The jews fail very badly on this measure.
Now if those jews who consider themselves good faith Americans got really serious about purging the bad faith actors from their ranks, much unpleasantness and injustice could surely be avoided -- but I've seen no indication that they are ready for that at scale.
It's a big mess, and I haven't even gotten started on the *religious* aspects of this problem.
@judgedread@p Ronald Bernard was a Dutch banker who claims to have been involved in top level financial shenanigans (sanctions manipulation, big time money laundering, etc.) in the late 1990s. He talks about being invited to the satanic parties with the naked women Eyes Wide Shut style, he thought it was all a big joke.
What broke him was when he was asked to participate in harming children as part of keeping his job and moving up the ladder, that's when he got out. Of course the satanic child abusers were Zionists.
The original interviews with him should still be out there, @p -- go watch them and convince yourself that he's lying. The people on my crew that are gifted with reading people can't do it.
@judgedread This is why I don't worry too much about you having a long term relationship with the father of lies. The two of you just aren't very spiritually compatible. Also, unlike satan, you aren't a total faggot.
JP, on the other hand, has been having an intense, abusive, and very gay relationship with the father of lies. JP should kick satan to the curb as soon as possible.
>I wish. He deleted all his poasts and I don't think they were archived. Lost, like tears in rain.
Here's what I have of JC Slater's poasts. Because Gab is run by faggots I can't access my account in a secure enough way anymore, so I can't easily get this to 6lacksheep directly there.
A terrible situation has developed and I need your advice:
One of my friends is an old man who is one of /ourguys/, a maximal racist and Uncle Adolf Appreciator who has been secretly operating within the Pig System for decades. As penance for having liberal beliefs in his twenties, he has been training apprentices in the Eternal Struggle Against judeo-satanism -- some of them will join us here on Poast eventually, OPSEC permitting.
Recently he became very sick and had to be admitted to inpatient care at an "elite" hospital, only to discover to his horror that his life now depended on a nursing staff composed entirely of incompetent niggers overseen by a female "doctor". You know the grim end we here often wish on worthless boomers? Well now one of /ourguys/ is having this experience. His chronic conditions are interacting in ways that are trivial for even an amateur like me to understand but are utterly beyond these subhumans' ability to deal with if they cared (which they don't).
He has no family and all of his apprentices are far away and can't travel. He was lucky and smart enough to find old real doctors to help him avoid the COVID "vaccine" but they have since died or become incapacitated (eternal be their memory). I've flown in to town to help out with the situation, but if your survival depends on Nurse Strangelove's medical skills, things are unlikely to go well. The best I've been able to do so far is improve his morale by taking notes on what may be his final instructions for his apprentices.
I have almost no experience dealing with the workings of hospitals, but it's quite obvious this one has been optimized by MBAs to achieve some purpose other than patient care. Is there a good crash course / effortpoast on how to help my friend work the system so as to survive?
Assuming by some miracle we get him out of this hospital alive, is there any facility in North America you are aware of that still has real (aka White) nurses and actual medical care? Do I need to get him off the continent to somewhere else (Singapore, Japan, Switzerland, etc.)?
He's spent all day praying for God to forgive him of his sins, alternating between wishing for a quick death to end his suffering and wanting to live so as to help us fight our temporal and demonic enemies. Obviously any prayers and advice on how to make this terribly unjust situation better would be greatly appreciated.
@andreas@TrevorGoodchild Andreas, this is exactly why you need to watch COME AND SEE, you may be one of the few people who, like myself and Trevor, can fully appreciate and derive benefit from it. The whole movie leads up to this amazing moment near the end, where an SS officer explains to the Russians the reasons behind the terrible things that have been happening to them. This SS officer has real character: intelligent, principled, honest, and stoic in the face of death.
The reasons the SS officer gives are, to the best of my knowledge, the true historical reasons. These reasons were not entirely unjustified, and we may soon find ourselves using similar reasoning to justify the same kinds of actions. However we must not deceive ourselves: the actions the SS engaged in were truly terrible, they were indescribably bad for everyone involved, *separate from their necessity*.
The Real Cool Zone is not fun. If we end up supporting or participating in "administrative actions", we must be *absolutely sure* they are necessary and treat them with the utmost seriousness. In particular, we must be certain that we haven't been manipulated, by jews or worse, into doing something horrible we will have to answer for in the spiritual realm later.
The tragic reality is that the SS made a mistake: their actions in Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia were not only terribly brutal, they compromised the Reich's grand strategic political and military objectives and were therefore ultimately UNNECESSARY. They made life much worse in the long term for everyone, including Ukrainians who had to eat another 40+ years of communism as a result of the Wehrmacht's failure.
Sincere supporters of Ukraine need to watch the movie and then *think* about it, study the history, *learn* from the mistakes that were made.
@TrevorGoodchild I've also now seen "COME AND SEE" with my friends. As one of them noted, "It's a great movie and I can't recommend it to anyone."
However, if anyone doesn't understand why the Russians and Belarusians have Absolute Zero Tolerance for Ukronazis with Dirlewanger Brigade patches causing trouble for ethnic Russians in DPR / LPR, this movie is required viewing. It's *actually* free on the Internet because of Communism. You probably won't be okay afterwards.
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