@Suiseiseki@freesoftwareextremist.com @puniko@mk.absturztau.be Or you know, at least print a graphic or picture of the product on the box?
Now retailers are going to have a stockroom full of identical white boxes with no clear visual indicators of what the product is inside. That sounds like actual hell.
Notices by SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo), page 18
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 20:01:31 JST SuperDicq -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 19:52:58 JST SuperDicq @puniko@mk.absturztau.be In extreme cases this "eco-friendly" packaging could actually result in more waste, not less.
Because people are more likely to throw away the paper packaging, while they are more likely to keep the plastic packaging (not considering it waste, aka reducing waste). -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 19:50:54 JST SuperDicq @puniko@mk.absturztau.be Also more philosophical.
If there are people who like to your product while keeping it inside of the packaging, then maybe the packaging is part of the product and should not be considered a disposable?
In that case you're not actually reducing waste? -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 18:59:09 JST SuperDicq @iro_miya@mk.absturztau.be Wait a minute, this is not an apology. This is abandonment issues!
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 18:56:38 JST SuperDicq @puniko@mk.absturztau.be I've actually got two opinions about this.
First: This is a good change because people will actually take their NendoRoids out of the packaging to enjoy them now instead of just keeping them displayed inside the packaging for "collectors value".
Second: My brother in christ, the entire figure is made out of plastic, your company sells 100% plastic. Saying "reduce plastic consumption by 84%" makes it sound much better than it really is when you forget that the actual product itself is also 100% plastic and not just the packaging. This is a bullshit change on a product that inherently not ecofriendly. -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 13:36:29 JST SuperDicq @mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be It's 5 am why the hell are you awake?
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 07:01:58 JST SuperDicq @Stellar@mk.absturztau.be To :woem: it might concern
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 01:32:05 JST SuperDicq @mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world iodine is effective for treating wounds because it is a disinfectant, garlic probably doesn't help.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 01:29:13 JST SuperDicq @mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world So you're gonna tell me if you eat garlic this way and not in another way your body magically turns it into different minerals and vitamins that are stronger than if you eat garlic like a normal person?
Sounds like placebo to me. -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 01:26:32 JST SuperDicq @mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world Like that looks absolutely disgusting. Just like add garlic to your already existing meals like a normal person.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 01:22:10 JST SuperDicq @mangeurdenuage@shitposter.world Why would eat one raw garlic on its own if I can just eat it naturally by eating garlic with other foods?
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Nov-2024 00:03:09 JST SuperDicq @jex@tech.lgbt It is actually very weird that the KDE logo is a gear.
There is no need to "well actually" this.
KDE's logo is a gear and we are all just going about our daily lives like this is normal.
#gnulinux #kde #fs -
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 23:22:17 JST SuperDicq @Lugrim@eldritch.cafe Is that powered through TRS?
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 23:20:58 JST SuperDicq Hmm yes drink fresh orange juice while forgetting you have an oral ulcer. Very nice experience, 10/10 would recommend.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:30:52 JST SuperDicq @hummingbird@plasmatrap.com @privateger@plasmatrap.com @ixhby@plasmatrap.com Misskey speaks Japanese so it says ブループ instead.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:20:10 JST SuperDicq @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me I grew up in the Catholic part of the country so we never had Sint-Maarten, but now I live in a majority Calvinist neighborhood so the kids come at my door.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:11:21 JST SuperDicq @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me I'm Dutch, we celebrate Sint-Maarten on 11-11 and that's the day when kids go door to door for candy.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:10:24 JST SuperDicq @fial@ihatebeinga.live @takao@shitposter.world Rance is actually older than Fire Emblem.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:09:20 JST SuperDicq @lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me Oh, thanks. Fuck I still gotta buy candy for the kids walking the neighborhood this evening.
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SuperDicq (superdicq@minidisc.tokyo)'s status on Monday, 11-Nov-2024 22:05:29 JST SuperDicq :hyperfastparrot_teto_byqs: https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm44301514