@girlonthenet Well, all he's done is make an arse of himself and oversimplify a complex issue. Far be it for me to engage in whataboutery either, but there's plenty of light fingered goings on in his own country, some of which is happening right now.
@ChrisMayLA6 It's like my hypothesis that the reason why the US media loves Trump so much is because he reminds so many American journalists of themselves, though they may not wish to admit it.
A similar principle seems to apply to Farage; he's a posh fascist and drama queen who pretends to be a saloon spa spiv. Many UK hacks are like that too.
"...Gainax, known for producing the popular #Anime series "Neon Genesis #Evangelion," said Friday that it filed for #Bankruptcy at #Tokyo District Court on May 29.
Founded in 1984, the Tokyo-based company produced hit anime titles, including the Evangelion series by film director #HideakiAnno and "Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water..."
"...[Sara] says after her bag was searched she was... banned from all stores using the #Technology.
"I was just crying and crying the entire journey home… 'Oh, will my life be the same? I'm going to be looked at as a shoplifter when I've never stolen'.
"#Facewatch later wrote to Sara and acknowledged it had made an error..."
While everyone is up in arms over the prospective #TikTok#Ban, no one seems to be paying attention to #BobbyKotick's open desire to buy a controlling stake off Chinese owners, #bytedance
Yes, THAT Bobby Kotick. See below for a quick reminder. Strangely, this never comes up in conversation.
A cynical sod might even wonder if the TikTok furore is just the US government nobbling a competitor to its native social media dumpster fires.
Hayao Miyazaki moans about anime. He moans about America. He moans about young people. And he moans about his own work. Once removed from his pedestal, he just seems like a bit of a blimp and a moaning old git. He's rather good at drawing.
And before you all pile in on me for daring to besmirch your hero, note that I am simply holding him to the same standard as Walt Disney is held by his detractors. Stop putting creatives on pedestals. We're all awful.
@kotaro It all seems to come down to whether the rapist is wearing a dress or not, rather than the more important issue of them being, well, a *rapist*.
Writer of #horror, #fantasy and #scifi #fiction. #Shortstories and (eventually) #novels. Dank Goblin. 3,605th most popular account on Mastodon. Will talk bollocks about #Metal and #Warhammer all day. #WritingCommunity