@robpike I see this most reflected in my Dad. He's a smart guy, but at 85, is swimming in a world of needless complexity. We took away always-on phones that just take a sequence of digits, and replaced them with ones that need to be charged, muted, unmuted, and rebooted. We replaced TV channels with apps, all with different and constantly shifting UIs. We replaced software with SAAS portals that are never the same from one day to the next, and require separate passwords. *I* can barely keep up.
@ksaj@amszmidt Nope. Looks interesting though! I'm just playing around with this because in 40 years nobody has done much with it. I'm seeing why. Limited in some very frustrating ways. Still, there's a LISP in there, desperate to break free. I'm building a nice set of tools, at least. Got Map, Reduce, and Cartesian product working, among others. Still trying to find a project that's a good fit. Snake ran way too slow (MEMBER? is not primitive). Thinking about a dice or card game.
@ifixcoinops allow me to humbly suggest what I call "Nuxi's algorithm":
1. Go to distrowatch.com and look at the top ranked distros, starting with #1 2. Does this distro have a liveusb image? No? move to the next distro, and goto 2 3. Flash the image 4. Does everything work on your machine? No? move to the next distro and goto 2 5. Install the full version 6. Does it still work? No? move to the next distro and goto 2 7. Congratulations! You have the best possible distro for your situation
Digital Deli is one that doesn't get much love, for some reason. A bunch of contemporary essays, comics, and listicles about the PC revolution by the people involved. Available online here: https://www.atariarchives.org/deli/
In the same vein, Best of Creative Computing. It's astonishing (and depressing) to realize how many of today's issues were forseen, with little to no progress made. They also happen to be available online: https://www.atariarchives.org/bcc1/ (increment cc1 for additional volumes)