There's your headline. I don't care whether you use linux or not; ten years ago that might have mattered, I might be trying to get more people to use it so that adobe or whoever would put more effort into supporting it, but that doesn't really matter anymore, these days everything either Just Works or there's a native equivalent that's better and I've no selfish reason to recommend linux anymore, so if you're happy with windows stick with windows.
If you're *not* happy with windows, here's the other half of that sentence at the top of this post:
Linux is a bit shit sometimes - but when it's a bit shit, it's a bit shit in the way of a cat who watches the mouse run across the living room floor, not in the way of a cat who suddenly decides to bite you for no reason. It's not *actively malicious,* it's just a bit shit sometimes, which these days is tbh pretty damn good compared with a lot of stuff.
Like, it's not bad because it's being hollowed out for investors, it's not bad because it's spying on you to make more money, it's not bad because its makers know you've gotta take it anyway, it's not bad because it knows it can get a lot worse before you look elsewhere, it's just... bad. But bad in like a normal way, like a bike with a wonky gear shifter and tyres that keep going soft, not like a bike that shows you adverts.
@ifixcoinops allow me to humbly suggest what I call "Nuxi's algorithm":
1. Go to and look at the top ranked distros, starting with #1 2. Does this distro have a liveusb image? No? move to the next distro, and goto 2 3. Flash the image 4. Does everything work on your machine? No? move to the next distro and goto 2 5. Install the full version 6. Does it still work? No? move to the next distro and goto 2 7. Congratulations! You have the best possible distro for your situation
I've heard good things about Linux Mint also, and I think you can choose to have Mate as the interface to that as well.
The Thing: you can choose an interface. That's a thing that makes Linux both brilliant AND shit, because first thing going in you've got to make a decision with basically no information or context. JUST LIKE YOU DID WHEN YOU JOINED YOUR FEDI SERVER, HAHA! And you wondered why there were so many Linux weirdos here, didn'tcha!
There are three ways you can deal with this decision:
1) Spend hours meticulously researching each one because you like spending hours meticulously researching things (this explains why half of Fedi is The Way It Is) 2) Blunder on YOLO style with one that has a cool name and see whether or not you regret it later (this explains the other half of Fedi) 3) Bounce off the decision entirely because it's self-evidently an unreasonable thing to ask (this explains the world outside Fedi)
If you want my *specific* linux recommendation, I've been happy with Ubuntu Mate because it's been the same old familiar shit for like fourteen years now
Specifically, it came about because Ubuntu changed from having a slightly shit interface to having a REALLY shit interface back in 2010, and so Mate came along as a continuation of the old GUI that was only a bit shit. It's been getting updates twice a year since then and instead of RADICALLY OVERHAULING THE INTERFACE they've just made it... slightly less shit
Like... if you look at Ubuntu Mate from 2010 and Ubuntu Mate from today, it uses a slightly easier-to-read font now? The colours are a bit nicer? The icons are better? But everything's still in the same place, I haven't had to re-learn anything.
Instead of spending ten years falling over themselves trying to Innovate and Revolutionize and Reinvent, they've just been slowly and carefully sanding off the rough bits, and hoo boy, you spend ten years sanding the same wood, it gets niiiiiice