@sinbad They have a new server chip that is 3/4 GPU. It’s pretty awesome in that you can get immediate speedups porting code to GPU one function at a time (no memcpy to amortize). But it burns 750W… and you can have 4 sockets per motherboard.
@sinbad I’ve been thinking about restarting my blog and have the same desire. The best I came up with was “more pages and fewer posts” (in Wordpress terminology).
Are you still using Obsidian? Have you tried their site generator?
@sinbad I have a Dell at work and I occasionally see a bios update in the list. Not sure which other brands would want to pay to be included in Windows update.
@sinbad I heard you can avoid the official shovelware in a “clean” install by setting your region to English (World). The OOBE installer will fail and then you can correct your region after first login. Haven’t had a chance to try this yet.
@rovarma@sinbad the nicer filters also take out microplastics and pharmaceuticals.
I’ve had mixed luck with off brand filters. Including the ones that claim they meet NSF standards. I was using one for years just fine and then they decided to cut corners.
@TomF@aeva@clacke the biggest problem with BMI is that you divide by height squared. Human bodies don’t scale in two dimensions. (But not in three proportionately either)
So if you’re shorter than average, it will suggest that you’re under weight. And if you’re taller than average then it will say that you’re overweight.
An exponent of 2.3 would fit the data better but that’s just a patch on a broken system.