@lucy@arcana >german not too fond of reaching out to Belarusian authorities on matters of dual citizenship under Merzrevolution >Mastodonger so you're inviting me on Netzsphaere?
@sun the oligarchy now falling in line with his regime is also a product of Democrat social fascists. Hopefully the current events will shatter all centrist and liberal illusions about the compatibility of capitalism and democracy. They are mutually exclusive, and resisters should finally accept that to have any chance of setting the right strategic priorities
@sun@sally they had 0 control over discussion on topics like Gaza and the Russia-Ukraine war. These are "domestic US" topics because the US deep state thinks the world is their property and they are world police
@sally@sun What people don't get about authoritarianism is that insisting on all 100% going along is monkepilled and a skill issue. That's one reason f. ex. why the German Democratic Republic failed. Letting like 10% oppose you is better because then you can still manufacture the image that you are a system with diversity of thought. The US way is doing censorship and political repression only when more than these 10% get traction. Xiǎohóngshū showed the world how propagandized americans are
@sun crazy how the US implements something way worse than the great firewall of China the millisecond it has insufficient three letter agency control over a large communication medium
@SuperDicq@newt@captainepoch@sally@sun@david I have seen conflicts in free software where people moved away from free software orthodoxy to include anti-features and similar anti-freedoms in software (like Tusky banning certain fedi servers client-side). They can do that, but offering the software under free software licenses is a misappropriation of them. I would say this is the red line where politically inclined programmers should stop and think. This is a problem for the movement
@Suiseiseki@david Many games are non-free as in not free in both software and assets, but many are free in code and unfree in assets. Stallman has pointed out that free culture is a different struggle from free software. While he supports both, liberation movements usually have a priority as you usually cannot fix everything at once. If you were to completely to disregard unfree culture you could almost never read a book (except Public Domain and CC-0/BY). Stallman does read books.
@Suiseiseki@david I mean you could totally run free software indie games from itch.io or something (many indie devs only compile for windows for economic reasons, as GNU/Linux, while growing, is still a small share)