@lookitmychicken I have no clue, and I do mean *no damn clue* what my yarns are x') I basically have three stashes right now:
- cotton for amigurumi
- leftovers from the two blankets I gifted (I still have the tags so I could look what it is)
- MAJOR. CHAOS. aka stuff I got from my mother who herself probably got half of these from who knows where, and I have a tag for maybe two skeins out of like, 50 different bits of diverse sizes and lengths x')
So yeah, that does make things tricky ='D
Not helping is the fact that I never had my own space to decorate and I'm now living with an ultra minimalist who could probably fit all his belongings in a suitcase if his parents stopped gifting him furniture, so I already feel guilty for owning like 80% of the volume we have to move when we change flat and so I don't feel comfortable trying to learn how to decorate when I know it'll just be useless clutter to him... ^^"""
I guess I could try to make cushion covers though. Not that we own cushions, but I suppose it could happen in the future =')
Thank you for taking the time to type all this, though ♥ It's genuinely appreciated and I'll try to remember it if I ever get the occasion to use your advice!