I watched ‘DOCTOR MORDRID’ for the #MBMC and right out of the gate it feels like it was supposed to be a MARVEL movie. The score is racing like a comic book movie from the 90s and the opening credits play over a panning shot of the main character’s base of operations (his Sanctum Snctorum, if you will). Jeffrey Combs is just fine, but he feels like what you’d get if you ordered Dr. Strange on WISH. 😅
@tiamat271 Damn. I was ready to agree till I saw MARVEL was catching strays. Why can't people just praise things without shitting on other things anymore? 🙄
@PTR_K Yeah, not only did they do a Comanche version and an English version, all of the actors were bilingual so they filmed the scenes back to back. So they would film a scene in English, then immediately film the same scene in Comanche. Really ambitious.
@PTR_K I watched this one in Comanche with no subtitles and it was fantastic. The story is easy enough to follow and it unlocked the part of my brain that uses context clues to determine what's going on.
So, I just watched 'HELL HOUSE LLC' on #tubi and it was really good. I recommend going in completely blind. No trailers or images other than this one and enjoy the found-footage style of horror. Some people don't. I get that, but it works for this one. If you know what it's all about, please don't spoil it here. 🖤
If you're looking for something to watch tonight, might I suggest a fun flick called 'SPACE BABES FROM OUTER SPACE' (free on plutoTV)
It's a recent film (2017) that pays homage to those campy sex comedies of yesteryear about space babes who gets stranded on Earth and need 'sexual energy' to power up their space ship. Surprisingly, it's NOT porn (some nudity, but nothing crazy). It's just dumb fun!
If you were curious about that weird 'WATCHERS' movie directed by the daughter of M. Night Shyamalan, but don't want to actually watch it (just don't)... here's a full 12 minute recap to satisfy your curiosity. SPOILERS!! (of course)
@kcarr2015 I kind of wish they left RED HULK out of the story and put the focus on Esposito and the Serpent Society. They have a TON of SS stuff on the cutting room floor somewhere because Seth Rollins was supposed to be on the team.
@kcarr2015 Totally saw that, especially in ACT II. The ADR work was rough and anytime you don't see someone's face when they speak, you know something went wonky.
I think the saddest thing about the reception this film is getting is the fact that this movie probably WAS cohesive and smartly-written at some point and #MARVEL put it in front of random test audiences that didn't rave about it. Then re-wrote and re-shot it and did it again. Same result. By the time they re-shot it and re-worked it again and again, it became what it is. There's a really good movie in there somewhere. 🤔
@yookoala I loved 'The Marvels' and that 2nd Doc Strange movie is among my favorite MCU films ever, but Ant-man 3 was lacking. I think it's a matter of taste really. I would say, if you liked 'Falcon & the Winter Soldier (series), this kind of feels like a couple of episodes they forgot to tack onto the end. Kind of a made-for-TV joint.
Okay, so I saw 'CAPTAIN AMERICA: BNW' tonight and I will say I enjoyed it as a theater experience. It was a spectacle and the cast did a great job with what they had.
That said... it was kind of all over the place, seemingly trying to fill all the holes in the dam that is the MCU. It felt like the script was revised way too many times and there was a LOT of poorly-written exposition.
@MargaretSefton I'm sure some of the price hikes are just related to greed. The 'trade war' provides a perfect cover for record profits. It's almost like that was the plan all along. 🤔
Husband, Father, Uncle, Lover of Movies, Music, Television, Internet. Chaotic Good. Level 47. I like to keep it positive and follow mostly entertainment and casting news.Also, the founder of the #MastodonBadMovieClub (#MBMC).Opinions are subjective and only an idiot believes theirs are more important than anyone else's. Life is short. Celebrate what you love and ignore what you hate.