@jacklaridian I predict the backlash may catapult the story into greater visibility. We'll see I guess, but the reaction is definitely a sign she hit on something deep.
The Episcopal bishop who asked Trump et al to have compassion for and mercy on the vulnerable is the most consequential American in this century so far. She did something incredibly important.
I heard a recent medical report that drinking any amount of alcohol causes cancer. Sorry, but my bias is just living in this world causes cancer. May as well have a beverage from time to time.
What I enjoyed most about this miniseries which is based on a true story is the relationship between the detectives and the moment the detectives revealed the truth to the serial rapist's brother, a human moment. All of the focus is usually on the capture in these dramas, but this showed the collateral damage to others affected by a family member's choices. A very well-crafted series.
Interesting. And funny. Offers a different perspective on American comedy--speaking as an American. "Dan the Stranger Second-Class Citizen" Stand-Up Special. YouTube
News of the world? US Politics? Here's where I'm at...A cat named Louis enjoys riding on the front of this YouTuber's kayak in the early morning fog. 💜
Though he had never experienced true winter, he always wondered about the story he read in high school English, about the boy who slips away into madness with the sound of snow--both imagined and real. He imagines the sound like the soughing of the ocean waves upon which he sits with his board under a friendly winter light. The snow would pull him under, drown him. And then he feels the tug of the tide, the lift of his board. He stands, and he is only movement. #mastoprompt#bleak@stevencudahy
One reason I am not surprised by the flavor and fervor of this recent wave of extreme #Christiannationalism is that I attended a conservative seminary earlier in my adult life. I was more of a moderate believer but didn't find an educational outlet where I lived with my then-husband. I could not believe such literal Biblical interpretations of laws and prophesies in Biblical texts. The students were worse than the profs and I don't doubt that some may have stormed the US capitol.
No-fault divorce would be a travesty. A woman shouldn't have to "prove" anything to leave a marriage, because in proving, she would have to provide evidence. There are hidden reasons for leaving that cannot be proven, though physical abuse is sometimes provable. I was so depressed at the end of my own marriage I was frightened for my own mental health outcomes.
@jacklaridian I love that series. I might have to watch it again sometime. One thing I loved most about it was the scenery of the California coast. But it is really well written, directed, and acted.
Watching Apples Never Fall on Peacock while I solve my own housing crisis lols. One needs diversion. I love Annette Benning. This is a good cast, actually. 💜
There's been some talk of #shunning out there, shunning others for believing this or that. I'm not convinced this really accomplishes anything. I remember someone important in my life shunning me for divorcing and this during my cancer treatment. It undercut my beliefs in what they believed. Shunning cuts off all possibility of future #dialogue. During the rough time of shunning, I watched this documentary, and felt I could relate. Things were never the same. #activism
I published my first writer in A Dark Wood, though I have been publishing my own fiction, trying to set a pace and an example. (Outside of Medium, this would hardly be considered professional.) Gus Gresham submitted an original "Slavic folktale." Now if I could just clone Gus, my work would be complete. I love the variety of his writing, and he tends to offer something winsome and deep. #publishing#folktale#literature#journal#fictionwriting#storytelling#story
Writer. Best New Writing, Dos Passos Review, Danse Macabre, Atticus Review, Corvus Review, etc. (Also pub. under Meg) I write #flashfiction & #shortstories w/elements of #magicalrealism, #fabulism, #absurdism, and/or #horror. Much of my work is set in Florida. #Bipolar 2 #CancerSurvivor #diabetes type2. MFA. Seminary grad but "too creative" for ministry. lols. Freelance Writer/Editor. Mom. Pop culture junkie. American citizen.Avatar: beach sunset sky.