@bontchev@GossiTheDog maybe not really relevant, but maybe it is? it has never been historically proven that the roman salute existed. there is no known record of it (and romans where actually comparativeley good at recording) There are later (much later!) paintings that show something that could be interpreted like this, but none of those are based on historical records. Anyhow - I would like media to call it what is. A nazi -or if you will- fascist sign.
@evacide I personally couldn’t care less about the platform, but if interpret this correctly it’s different from just changing your DNS to get around the ban. So kids are going to swarm and download scammy free VPN solutions. And we all know what those are… the result could be much worse than before.
@ml I only looked at nostr once a few month ago, and this is all I saw there. Lots of people may disagree, but my opinion is, it was dead from the start.
@ente Und nicht nur die Ausstattung sondern auch das entsprechende Know-How. Wer nichts weiss kann nichts Lehren. Hinzu kommt dass die Lehrer dann entsprechend eine IT haben die sie benutzen können ohne selbst Administrator spielen zu müssen. Schön wärs, aber ich glaube es wenn ich es sehe.
Have no fear, Schneckbert is here!Und plötzlich sieht man überall Leute die sich ein Leberwurstbrot an die Stirn kleben.(searchable, auto delete enabled) - Hacker or… repair-almost-anything "Hacker"- Nerd- Radio nerd- Linux geek- Gamer- Cyclist and Outdoor fan- Privacy and security enthusiast- Avoiding paywalls like the plaque- If you need my PGP key, you already have my PGP key- moved here from infosec.exchange#nobridge