@skinnylatte when Polaroid first quit making film before Impossible Project happened I’d buy up $5 SX-70s every time I found them. Now I have like 3-4 that either don’t work or are partially working but a bunch more that do work. If there’s Retrospekt who also refurbishes cameras https://retrospekt.com/
Daphne Gottlieb encapsulates exactly how I feel about how the dot com boom (I worked in it directly for an interactive agency) and Web 2.0 were here in SF - from The Dreams I Dreamt: Letters to San Francisco
need help - i am donating a print to an art auction and can't decide which shot of this film swap is best. The audience is folks who might be buying art for their home and is for First Exposures, which is a terrific program that provides youth mentoring through photography. Here's more about the program but if folks can provide feedback on which image they like best I'd appreciate it! #BelieveInFilm#photography