@es0mhi@simsa04 We are mostly on the same page and differ only slightly in details.The main difference is that I don't see sanctions to be so effective that they can indeed press Russia & its people to change the course, i.e., beyond the level where the burdens of bearing poverty outweighs the need for "meaning". The main reason is that in particular Germany's import dependency on Russia (2019/2020: 42% of its hard coal, 55,2% of its natural gas, 42,4% of its crude oil came from Russia) > 1/8
@es0mhi@simsa04 That's why sanctions won't hurt, why negotiations will be empty words to play with in a game of deception, and why brute force is cherished in this paranoid style of living: One is only alive and vivid when it hurts.
And even if the majority of Russians were not to share the beliefs of Putin and his circle: Nations can long endure oppression, economic decline, and cultural decay. The former Soviet Union throughout its entire history is a well-known example of this.
@es0mhi@simsa04 I'm not so sure that "restotring the territory of the Soviet Union" are mere empty words. At least Putin believes in them, and, as it seems, more than 50% (numbers are sometimes up as high as 75%) of Russians support his war in Ukraine. It seems to me that many Russians rather choose "meaning", the feeling of importance, over freedom and good neighbourhood.
This is the same reason why I also don't see this as the "beinning of the "end" for Russia.
@es0mhi@simsa04 As long as "meaning" is provided, any nation can stay on a downward path for a long time, esp. Russia, with all its historical experiences of brutalization and terror. I even fear that Putin is able to connect with the majority of Russians exactly via this level because he, like presumably them, in the end only respects the baseball bat. And he who isn't willing to use it is seen as weak.
No, I was talking about the one shown below. This reply of yours appears attached to my post from gnusocials.net, but only as seen from my mastodon backup account that subscribes to my account on gnusocial.net. On gnusocials.net, your reply isn't displayed and, as @administrator said, not available.
@administrator refreshed my subscription-list (as this often resolves federation problems) but it looks like the issue persists.
@monro That's why I don't buy ebooks. (The only one I ever bought I immediatedly printed out on paper.) I cannot but gleefully grin that what you describe is exactly what I already presumed to happen 15 years ago. Another reason I prefer books, tomes on paper, over e-shit.
@Wifi_cable Yep, hier. (Habe gerade erfahren, dass mein Vermieter meine Wohnung verkaufen will.) Wenn's noch aktuell ist, bitte kurze reply und Vorschlag, wie wir uns außerhalb de Fediverses kontaktieren können.
@es0mhi@simsa04 A more or less brief answer, on a complex topic, belatedly:
1. Another reason I find this self-introduction pointless is that users in their profiles already have the opportunity to introduce themselves. Adding more to that often means adding more interests, i.e., strengthening the overall tendency that micro-blogging is about *content* when it rather is about *people*. The reification of personhood is thus increased, not dimishied.
@evan Don't bullshit people! Esp. on any instance that is part of the Mastodon network, you are no less small and a commodity than on Twitter. You're neither important nor "a person", but at the whims of admins who decide by fiat and without accountability with whom you can interact and with whom not. Perhaps it's different on the other projects (gnusocial, friendica, etc.), but in the Mastodon network, you're as much in a silo as on Twitter. Again: Stop bullshitting people.
@evan Don't bullshitting people! Here in the Fediverse, in particular on any instance that is part of the Mastodon network, you are no less small and a commodity than on Twitter. You're neither important nor a person, but at the whims of admins decide with whom you can interact and with whom not. Perhaps it's different on the other projects (gnusocial, friendica, etc.), but here, in the Mastodon network, you're as much in a silo as on Twitter. Again: Stoip biullshitting people.
@administrator Hi there. I have a problem reaching gs.net for a day now. First a checking website told me that gs.net in fact has been down, then it told me that it's up again although I cannot reach it. I tried with and without vpn but without avail. Do you have any idea what's going on and how to resolve the issue? Thank you!
I am a dishwasher, cleaner, lavatory attendant. Late at night, when the restaurant crew has left, the latrine faerie and I sing dirty duets.This is an archive and backup account. You can find me at @simsa03