@kaia Maybe they mean this kind of software engineering?
[Photo taken from here: https://news.mit.edu/2016/scene-at-mit-margaret-hamilton-apollo-code-0817]
@kaia Maybe they mean this kind of software engineering?
[Photo taken from here: https://news.mit.edu/2016/scene-at-mit-margaret-hamilton-apollo-code-0817]
@ellie Cease N. Desist is an amazing drag name!
Many times transphobes try to invalidate transfems by calling us "a man in a dress" or "a man with a wig" to imply that it's a low effort trick done in order to enter gendered spaces and do something nefarious.
I think this line of argument is only successful among people who have no idea how much effort the average transfem puts every day into just being herself. A cis man with bad intentions would never go through so much trouble.
I just watched the netflix documentary "Laerte-se" about the Brazilian cartoonist #Laerte Coutinho, who came out as a #trans woman at the age of 60. It's really touching and beautiful.
@computerfact Hammer and SQL
Slut shaming motivates me to be sluttier.
@siege my mother was exactly like that, but the thing is that she also did it to my two brothers and they hated it and are sort of traumatized by it, and I feel betrayed because as a kid it was fine for me to be a girl and then suddenly it stopped being ok.
@astrid @jiub Both Eich and Stallman have a problematic track record...
Hebrew = "כינויי גוף"
But in the context of people and gender, it's usually "לשון פנייה" (form of address), since 2nd person pronouns like "you" are also gendered in Hebrew.
בטח גם onomatopoeia תפוס...
מה דעתך על prosopopoeia? זה מונח רטורי שאני אוהבת. פעם רציתי להשתמש בו לתיאור התופעה הלשונית האתיופית (ואולי מזרח אפריקאית) של גרמטיקליזציה של דיבור ישיר.
או בערבית קלאסית מעוברתת: הסתבכתי ואת המחשב שלי.
@mux2000 Who knew?
A complex woman is a combination of a real woman and an imaginary woman.
@Polychrome bifurcation?
עייפה בובה זהבה
ועייף מאוד הדוב
הצללים לחדר באו
לוחשים לי לילה טוב
במיטה שוכבת נורית
על ידה יושב דובון
וכדור וגם ארנבת
וכולם רוצים לישון
Being trans is exhausting. I need a nap.
Cookie Monster is the purest representation of id: raw desire, paying no mind to social conventions.
software. language. #trans. #queer. she/her.פמיטרנסית. מתכנתת. בלשנית. קווירית. את/היא.Please don't give me unsolicited advice.בבקשה בלי עצות אלא אם ביקשתי.Avatar: a picture of me with red hair and red glasses wearing a gray tank top that says: I'M TRANS DON'T PANIC.Header: a photo of me standing next to H.C. Andersen's statue in Copenhagen and looking at her face. The statue is twice my height.#ActuallyAutistic #transfeminism #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #berlin #DID
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