@adiz@soc0.outrnat.nl@fsf@hostux.social I should get free software merch. The free software community has some of the best mascots ever, from the cute and lovable Tux and Konqi to the eye-catching and lovely waifus (though let me know of any neat husbando FOSS mascots) like Libbie, Pleroma-tan, and Xenia. :neofox_angel:
@adiz@soc0.outrnat.nl That's assuming there is ecological fallout. I remember from one reading assignment that the elimination of mosquitoes has negligible damage to the environment. That's how useless those fuckers may be.
@adiz@soc0.outrnat.nl I should eat salads again, even though I used to not like them. There's this sour cream, chicken, and potato one I tried a while ago, and it was soooooo nice.
Oh, yeah, one more thing: I unfollowed that fucker. I initially followed him because he sent some pretty normal memes, but I came to understand that we did not see eye-to-eye with various political issues.
Ehh, whatever. I completely stopped giving a shit about LBRY and Odysee a while ago. You fuckers at LBRY and Odysee could've supported the decent video creators you had instead of the same rightoid garbage from other video platforms, but no. You didn't even promote any other LBRY-based projects, where those developers were not lolbert shitheads. :neofox_angry:
@EposVox@glitch.lgbt Just wondering: What'll happen to your LBRY channel now? I know you stopped supporting it like all the other leftists who happened to be on that platform (cause' LBRY became bootleg Youtube for Nazis), but will you delete it?
LBRY could've been a real second Youtube, honestly. They had actually decent video creators (like you, plus Kittydog, Linux Experiment, and Coreteks) backing the platform, but they just floundered it, sucking up to garbage like all the other video platforms.
God, Youtube is unfortunately still the only good video platform.
Another observation I've noticed: The bad leftists are mostly criticized by other leftists. It's not like we will let those who harass others who did nothing wrong or have apologized slide by. Often, we will push them away for sowing division amongst the left.
When I look at the pro-advertisement or advertisement-neutral arguments online, I find it hard not to think that there is this pernicious assumption that its more important that there be a monetary barrier to entry for accessing material than that people who make or produce the material get paid decently. There's even almost a kind of pretense that these are the same thing when they are not. It's like if it's not 100% of the audience for a stream or video paying for the stream or video, than the, lets say, 10-50% not paying are freeloaders and need to be made to pay. Even if the revenue from the other 50-90% of the audience is enough to maintain the show. The whole point of the economy *is* for the sake of consumption (this is not a pro-hyperconsumption take btw, I'm just saying the *economy* is for consumers), so its weird to factor in "collateral consumption" as a cost just because it isn't entered into monetary circulation. This only makes sense if growth is your eternal imperative, as then it would indeed be realistic to assess the inability to incorporate people into a market as a cost or loss. It also only make sense if you're a landlord (metaphorical or otherwise) and you're worried about maximizing your assets' "financial efficiency."
@a1ba@suya.place I remember when YT implemented Stories (not to be confused with shorts), and you had to fucking hold your finger to pause it, and it will just keep playing if you release it.
@foxysen@pawb.fun It's really weird to see that only third-party companies have made 3D games for the Game Boy Advance. I thought that there would at least be a port of Star Fox, but there isn't.
@via@solidsanek@outerheaven.club One Piece fan here. I've personally been amazed since the first episode. So, I wouldn't worry about having to watch so many episodes to get hooked. Bad thing is I have to watch 1000 episodes now. :blobshrug:
@icedquinn@blob.cat I'll see about Kate again. I have Linux, and I only stopped using it because I didn't know how to get Python working on it. However, I'll try again.
Codium started fucking up Switch to VSCode VSCode does the same fuckups Try to find a new text editor Gets interested in Atom Looks into it further Github killed it:neofox_glare_sob:
Hey! I'm Poppy Farbird, an enby (they/them) furry artist who wants to work with technology. Specifically, I both create artworks of anthros (though they are on my other account) and boost other artists' fascinating works. For technology, I try to integrate open-source projects the best I can. I have Linux on my gaming PC, use software like Codium, Onlyoffice, Krita, and such, and sometimes promote these projects to others. In the future, I also want to support them financially and through commits in their codebase. I'm also trying to get into things like web design and animation. Although I'm both busy with college and poor with time management, I'm already proud to see the progress that I've made (basic 3D modeling, website on Neocities), and hope to go even further in the future. Anyways, it's just nice to be in the Fedi, which has one of the best communities on the internet.Some things to know: 1. Assume all other accounts that seem like me are fake unless I link them here. 2.